The PM of Spin

The PM of Spin MUST Stop Here

‘Loyalist’ MK Yatom: Sharon Must Expand Ma’aleh Adumim

This morning, I found this email on my log;

To: Main Identity
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 9:58 PM

THE DEEPER DISENGAGEMENT STORY By Emanuel A. Winston, Mid East Analyst & Commentator

At the beginning, most thought that Sharon’s plans and judgement were merely a flawed attempt to placate President Bush and energize his ‘Road Map’ plan. Those not in on Sharon’s typical long range planning saw what Sharon wanted them to see.

When the best of Israel’s Military and Intelligence Staff warned him repeatedly that the ‘Disengagement’ would bring all of the various Muslim Arab Terror organizations both into Gaza first and then into Judea and Samaria next, Sharon ignored all reports from the field and fired those experts for blowing the whistle on his vaunted ‘Disengagement’.

It wasn’t always like this.

In his days as a Super-General, Sharon relied heavily on military Intelligence and he planned accordingly. Why now did he do the exact opposite – almost as if he was assisting the Arab Muslim Palestinians deploy and arm themselves. One would have to go back and track the first plans and contacts with Yassir Arafat to force all Jews from the territories of Judea, Samaria, Gaza, the Golan Heights and all of Jerusalem which he had helped liberate in 1967. Remember that, whatever portfolio he had in subsequent governments, he also pushed the incredible enterprise of a successful chain of settlements that are now villages, towns and cities in those territories.

Enter Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres whose illegal meetings in the early 1980s with Arafat was to result in pressure being applied in phases against those pioneering settlers who built those communities with their own blood, sweat and often money. Roughly, it was first to apply economic pressure accompanied by delayed building permits, delayed installation of electrical grids, water lines, sewage disposal and road building. Then there were to be certain money offers to those settlers who moved into those areas because housing was cheaper and the Land was beautiful. (We didn’t know then as we do now that the money was to come from European and U.S. Arabists to purge Jews from Judea, Samaria and Gaza.)

Next, pressure was to be applied against those who lived there for ideological purposes. This was to employ all of the aforementioned pressures plus a mix of military pressures, namely the removal of protective patrols and checkpoints – in effect, making the simple task of traveling more dangerous.

Enter Arafat! The Arab Muslim Palestinian role was to insure the danger to Israeli Jews. This included, as we all know, drive-by shootings, sabotage, kidnaping, stoning and killing young hikers. Later, of course, came suicide/homicide bombings of buses, shopping centers, religious sites and celebrations, recreational facilities and car bombings in central Israel. Arafat was indeed a partner Israel could depend upon to kill Jews, to teach young Arab Muslim children to hate and kill.

PM Yitzhak Rabin prepared attack squads called “Yatom” to go against the settlers, using the pretense that they were driving them out to save them from the dangers posed by Arafatian Terrorists. As history proves, this didn’t work. The “Plan” was shelved temporarily but kept available to evolve into the “Olso Accords” by 1991.

Here again we find Rabin, Peres and Beilin’s fingerprints on a plan to subvert Israel’s security and sovereignty by picking up where the first Plan left off, namely, driving the pioneering Jewish settlers out of the Jewish Land, called the “territories”. While Sharon wasn’t stage front with the main Leftists, nevertheless, he can be remembered for his ideology of his failed political party called “Shlomzion” which advocated a Palestinian State. Apparently, Sharon knew then where the Palestinian State would be placed.

Sharon is also remembered for his joining Ezer Weizmann and Moshe Dayan in advising then PM Menachem Begin to give up the Sinai Desert, its oil and infrastructure, including the evacuation of Yamit and other smaller communities – abandoning $17 Billion worth of infrastructure and military depth. Sharon repeated the Yamit pattern in August by uprooting and expelling 10,000 Jewish men, women and children from 25 Jewish communities, which they had developed into a beautiful, bountiful thriving economic bonanza in Israeli agriculture.

This attitude and mind-set to strip Jewish Land of Jews was always there to see but, no one could believe that Arik Sharon was actually either a closet Leftist or merely an amoral opportunist, ready to adopt any political party’s ideology IF it advanced his own good fortunes.

Sharon knew the military advise he received from his top Generals and Intelligence Staff was accurate. What they didn’t understand was that the Palestinian Terrorist Arab Muslim advancement into what is pejoratively called “The West Bank”, as predicted by his top officers, was exactly what he wanted to happen after sweeping Gaza/Gush Katif “Judenrein” (Free of Jews).

This was the very same plan initiated in the ‘80s by Rabin and Peres, advanced into Oslo, blipped into the 80% withdrawal from Hevron by Bibi Netanyahu, swung at with another try by PM Ehud Barak at Sharm al Sheik under Bill Clinton with another try with a full court press under Sharon and Bush with Yossi Beilin’s Geneva plan in the background.

In brief, IF the Terrorists can pour through the Gazan breech, assisted by the Egyptians (which they already have, along with a tonnage of advanced weapons – all of Judea and Samaria will be under siege).

Naturally, Sharon will put on a show of defense and bluster but, how many empty buildings can he find to blow up? How many publicity sweeps to capture Arab Muslim Palestinian Terrorists in Jenin, Tulkarm, Nablus (Schechem), Ramallah, etc. – only to release them as all those previous infamous gestures of “good faith”. (Recall that Israeli Intelligence confirmed that 40 to 50% returned to perpetrating acts of Terror.)

But, all of this shooting, aerial bombing – with the hostile Media spinning stories of those always screaming Arab women mourning in pride the deaths of their Terrorist sons. This will be followed by the insistence of the Western nations to enter the fray.

Sharon, Peres and the Left will accept foreign troops into Israel’s sovereign borders, claiming that they have no choice. (Something like the present first move to bring the E.U. (European Union into Rafah as one of those porous lines previously deployed in Lebanon by the U.N. In brief, with collusion between Sharon and Peres, the European ‘camels’ nose is now deep into the Israeli tents.

Several agendas will be fulfilled as per the following – in no particular order:

1. The Rabin-Peres-Sharon Left agenda will evacuate all the Jews from Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) – if they are allowed to.

2. To use foreign troops to augment the force needed to push Jews out of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) – as follows:

3. To use Sharon’s Wall/Fence as the line of demarcation border for another State of Palestine while selling the concept that it is only for the safety of the Israeli settlers. (All future Rockets and Missiles over the Fence or tunnels under, will be ignored as merely a nuisance to put up with.

4. Within this Plan will be the abandonment of the Golan Heights, already offered by Rabin, Peres, Barak – and presumably now already on the negotiating table – using Dov Weisglass and Ehud Olmert, among others, working under cover.

5. Bush will be able to claim “Road Map” success, even as it fails – something like his claims of success in Iraq.

6. Pre-planning of Sharon’s Propaganda Machine to either ignore Terrorist/Activists launched from Gaza or in the “West Bank’ or make speeches about how he will not tolerate Terror but, of course, he already has and still tolerates it.

7. One goal of the Sharon-Peres collaboration is to destroy the power of observant Jewry. By breaking up the communities of West Bank Jewry, as he did in Gaza, he and the Left will have completed what was the concept of the Labor Left in terms of de-Judaizing Israel and converting her into a nation like all other nations, namely, observant Jews as a weak minority to be tolerated like a pet one keeps around like a romantic souvenir of past good times.

8. Sharon will enlist the so-called Leaders of World Jewry, knowing that they are ideologically weak and need the status of Sharon’s recognition to maintain their self-anointment as leaders of consequence.

9. It is imperative for Sharon that both the Government and the Courts are kept in the hands of the Left, lest a “Peoples’ Court” is convened and all those who have subverted the Jewish nation are brought to trial and convicted of a wide range of crimes, including sedition, crimes against the Jewish people, treason, misfeasance and malfeasance of office, embezzlement, perjury and conspiracy to commit murder. (Here we speak of the Rabin assassination, the strange deaths of his bodyguard and other witnesses, the mysterious death of Raful (Raphael Eitan) on a breakwater near Haifa from a ‘Rogue Wave’ – after he came out against Sharon’s “Disengagement”.)

10. The Sharon-Bush agenda of bringing armed Egyptian soldiers back into the demilitarized Sinai. Here we see America’s early plans of arming the Egyptians with more than $68 Billion and growing of the best American armaments on the presumption that Egypt will eventually occupy Saudi Arabia as a ‘protectorate’ and, thereby, serve American oil interests. (They of course, have ignored the obvious resultant take-over by Egypt of the Muslim Brotherhood, thereby, inheriting Egypt’s vast inventory of American weapons.) When they occupy Saudi Arabia, the vast Saudi armory will be added to Egypt’s making it the greatest military colossus of the Middle East.

I could continue but, needless to say, the leaders of Israel, the U.S. the E.U. – particularly England, France and Germany have numerous plans NOT to be shared with their citizens. Of course, it is their citizenry who will pay the ultimate price in both blood and treasure – as they always do.

In summation, to trust the present leadership of Israel is like sleeping with a cobra. They have shown repeatedly that they are not to be trusted – particularly when they make a promise. To go back to the beginning and close the loop, the “Disengagement” from Gaza/Gush Katif and Northern Samaria has many parts – not the least of which is forcing Jews to wander around like lost souls while Sharon thugs think nothing of making new promises each day.

More later!
