4th Anniversary of Arab Terror Assassination of Rechavim Ze’evi, z’l

Knesset Commemorates Fourth Anniversary of Ze’evi Murder

PM Sharon: “If Gandhi were alive today, he would certainly have been at the head of my detractors …”

“Gandhi was murdered only a few hours before his resignation from the Cabinet was to go into effect. Together with then-Minister Avigdor Lieberman, he handed in his resignation in protest of the Sharon government’s withdrawal from most of the city of Hevron.”

I remember the days leading up to the Ghandi Assassination well. Within days before the assassination, Susie Dym (Matot Arim — Cities of Israel) and I stood vigil at the entrance of the National Union Offices lobbying for Ghandi and Leibeman to take the National Union out of the governing coalition due to Sharon’s actions in Chevron.

Ghandi was the great advocate of “transfer” — of Arabs out of Eretz Yisrael in the years following Rav Me’ir Kahane’s assassination. By the way, the Yahrtzeit of Rav Kahane z’l comes up during November as well. MB
