Gush Katif Refugee Says Gov’t Obstacles Remain
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Anita Tucker, an American immigrant who was forcibly evicted from her home in the Gush Katif town of Netzer Hazani says that despite the Comptroller’s Report on the government’s mistreatment of the Jewish refugees, obstacles remain in place embittering the lives of former Gaza residents.
“The lawyers tell us that the government’s representatives have now insisted that their own essayers, who had come into Gush Katif weeks before our expulsion to essay our homes, must now lower the figures they presented (which were based on what they saw and measured on our homes in Gush Katif then) because they are apparently disturbed by the fact that their figures are too similar to the figures presented by the private essayers that we each had privately hired before the expulsion,” Tucker writes.
“The result is that the government refuses to reach a settlement until their own essayers lower their numbers… to assure that the final bargained down price will be very low and not enable building anew…So meanwhile most of us are unable to receive compensation for our homes and thus build our homes anew in the seeable future…This new obstacle, as the others before, of course causes much suffering, pain and aggravation, not to mention slow crumbling of our communities that we have struggled with such conviction to hold together.”
On a brighter note, Tucker said that her Purim festival, along with the other refugees, was quite joyful. “We were privileged to feel the warmth of many individual caring Jews. Several Jews from NY-NJ area individually went to all the communities of people from Gush Katif to deliver Mishloach Manot packages to each family.
Other generous individuals donated costumes to share Purim happiness with each child here from the Gush Katif communities…We rejoiced sincerely and purely in this joy of Purim and prayed that we too will soon, G-d willing, be able to feel this joy in our communities anew every day.”
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