Shalom Friends;
This week, our Parshat HaShavua, Parshat Ki Tavo is being co-sponsored Mordechai and Gila Bernstein lilui nismas his father Avraham ben Aryeh Leib, and by Rabbi Rafael and Vivianne Willig. Rabbi Willig insists that his dedication is to me. Both families are from Ramat Beit Shemesh. To the Bernstein and Willig families, many thanks for your co-sponsorships and for your continued kindnesses and good wishes.
You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring (or as the case may be, co-sponsoring) a Parshat HaShevua.