Parsha Emor 5766: The Kohen; The Paradigm for Jewish Unity …

Parsha Emor 5766: The Kohen; The Paradigm for Jewish Unity

By Moshe Burt

The positioning in Torah of our Parsha Emor, following last week’s Parsha Kedoshim gives rise to thought and contemplation.

Kedoshim teaches “…You shall be holy, for holy am I, Hashem, your G’d.” (Sefer Vayikra, Perek 19, posuk 1) And we learn that the epitome of this holiness is the principle taught by Rabbi Hillel to the convert, on one foot, says “V’ohavtoh L’reiachoh Komochoh” — “… you shall love your fellow as yourself…” (Sefer Vayikra, Perek 19, posuk 18) The Halachot subsequently taught in Parsha Kedoshim are all built upon the emulation of Hashem. read more


Parsha Achrai Mos/Kedoshim 5766: Your Fellow Jew, as Yourself, Revisited …

ParshaAchraiMos/Kedoshim 5766: Your Fellow Jew, as Yourself, Revisited

by Moshe Burt

One of the main themes underlying Parsha Kedoshim is the loving care with which each Jew is to treat his Jewish brother. Indeed, we see that the first posuk of our Parsha conveys that spirit, “Hashem spoke to Moshe saying, “Speak to the entire assembly of B’nai Yisrael and say to them: You shall be holy, for holy am I, Hashem, your G’d.” (Sefer Vayikra, Perek 19, posuk 1) Our Parsha then goes on to enumerate the Asseret HaDivrot, the Ten Commandments in depth. read more


Parsha Sh’mini — Call to Duty, Guard, Consistency!

Parsha Sh’mini — Call to Duty, Guard, Consistency!

By Moshe Burt

For seven days, Moshe taught Aaron HaKohen and his sons the laws of their Avodah in the Mishkan. As stated in a previous Parsha HaShevua, in Old Country terminology, they received OJT from Shemayim.

Our Parsha Sh’mini begins by relating that on the eighth day, Aaron and his sons commenced their Avodah HaKodosh; meant to be constant and consistent for all time.

But our Parsha also relates the tragedy of the deaths of Aaron’s two oldest sons, Nadav and Avihu who died while performing an unauthorized Service, offering a “strange fire …, which he [Hashem] did not command them…” (Artscroll Chumash, Vayikra, Perek 10, posuk 1) And our Parsha relates that “Hashem spoke to Aaron saying: Do not drink intoxicating wine, you and your sons …, when you come to the Ohel Mo’ed (the Tent of Meeting), that you not die — this is an eternal decree for your gemerations. In order to distinguish between the sacred and the profane …” (Artscroll Chumash, Vayikra, Perek 10, p’sukim 8-10). read more

Parsha Tzav 5766: The Consistency and Constancy of A Jew

Parsha Tzav 5766: The Consistency and Constancy of A Jew

by Moshe Burt

In our Parsha, Tzav is Moshe’s command from Hashem to Aaron HaKohen and his sons to take up and clothe themselves in their Vestments, their garments of service in the Mishkan, and to begin their daily Avodah (service and offerings in the Mishkan).

For seven days, Moshe taught Aaron HaKohen and his sons the laws of their Avodah in the Mishkan. (You might say that they were given, as they term it in the US, OJT from Shemayim.) On the eighth day, Aaron and his sons began their Avodah. read more


Parsha Vayikra: Admission and Atonement For Mistakes And Failed Policies …

Parsha Vayikra: Admission and Atonement For Mistakes And Failed Policies

By Moshe Burt

The first word of our parsha; Vayikra begs discussion of why the small “aleph” in Vayikra, and what it indicates regarding Moshe Rabbeinu’s level of principle, integrity and standard of leadership of B’nei Yisrael.

We are told how Hashem, Kav’yochal, would call gently, affectionately “Moshe, Moshe” in a voice for Moshe Rabbeinu’s ears only and Moshe would respond “Here I am.” (Rashi on Perek 1, posuk 1 Metsuda Linear Chumash & Rashi with footnotes) read more


Parsha Ki Tisa — Peer Groups and Principle…

Parsha Ki Tisa — Peer Groups and Principle

By Moshe Burt

For many years, since 1991 when Parsha Ki Tisa marked my son Philip’s Bar Mitzvah, I have spoken of a posuk in our Parsha which alludes to an event which took place 40 year later, in a subsequent Parsha.

The posuk being referred to (Sh’mos, Perek 30, posuk 30)says that while Moshe Rabbeinu was on Har Sinai being given Torah, Hashem said, “You shall anoint Aaron and his sons and sanctify them to minister (to serve) me.” read more

Parsha Tetzaveh 5766 — Where’s Moshe? And What it Means …

Parsha Tetzaveh 5766 — Where’s Moshe? And What it Means …

by Moshe Burt

In our Parsha Tetzaveh, the laws regarding the annointment, the vestments and the Avodah (service) of the Kohanim are enunciated for the Jewish people. But wait! Stop the music. Something seems amiss.

Our Parsha, unlike any other place throughout Torah (including Sefer Devarim where Moshe himself speaks to the Jewish people in one continuous Mussar shmooze reviewing the laws and the events of the 40 years in BaMidbar and where each of the Parshiyot are distinguished only by the sections Halachas enunciated) from the time of his birth through Vezos HaBeracha, omits any mention of Moshe Rabbeinu. read more

Parsha Terumah 5766: What Motivates Men?

Parsha Terumah 5766: What Motivates Men?

By, Moshe Burt

Last year, this author wrote regarding man’s motivations, equating them with what drives the athlete in the beginning, or as we baseball fans say, in the “Big Inning”. And as has been done regarding other Parshiyot, this year a revisit of the motivation of men seems appropriate.

What drives the high-priced athlete? The big and increasing paycheck? The “Team effort?” Increased or enhanced fame and influence? Love and study of the game? What drives them? read more


Parsha Yithro 5766: Awaiting Just Law, Enforcement and Justice …

Parsha Yithro 5766: Awaiting Just Law, Enforcement and Justice

By, Moshe Burt

We read each day in Pesukei D’Zimrah (The praises of G’d), “He balks at the designs of peoples. Many designs are in man’s heart, but the counsel of Hashem — only it will prevail.”

We watched as a bullying, hard-hearted Prime Minister bulldozed through his hateful, vindictive expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif in those fateful days in August, 2005 as his opponents stood divided against themselves, seemingly handcuffed as the fate of thousands of Gush Katif residents hung in the balance while the old General divided, conquered and forced the expulsion’s actualization. read more

Parsha Beshalach: Experiencing Our Brother’s Difficulties …

Parsha Beshalach: Experiencing Our Brother’s Difficulties
by, Moshe Burt

Our Parsha opens by stating; “It happened when Pharoh sent out the people that Hashem did not lead them by the way of the Philistines, because it was near, for Hashem said, ‘Perhaps the people will reconsider when they see a war, and they will return to Mitzriyim.'” (Sefer Sh’mos, Perek 13, posuk 17)

Torah Gems cites a vort from R’ Baruch Abba Rakowsky on words of the posuk; “Perhaps the people will reconsider when they see a war, and they will return to Mitzriyim. read more
