Parsha Metzora 5768: Contrasting the Kohen and the Metzora on National Scale


By Moshe Burt

As our Parsha Metzora is normally, in most years, the twilight side of a Torah doubleheader parsha, a few points of discussion from last week, the individual’s Tzara’as extrapolated onto national ills needs further examination.

Last week, the Parsha Shevua on Parsha Tazria spoke to the unity which is the very essence of the Kohan.

Rabbi Zelig Pliskin in “Growth Through Torah” (page 253) cites the Rabbi of Alexander who cites as the reason why, when one suspected an affliction with Tzara’as, that he must go to Aharon, the Kohen and
not to a scholar, a Talmud Chacham; read more


Parsha Tazria 5768: Tumah and Tahara Relating to Nation — Revisited


By Moshe Burt

In learning about the laws of tzara’as, there are posukim which are a pelah, a wonderment. And so it is relevant to revisit a vort from last year.

Torah relates in our Parsha;

“If the tzara’as will erupt on the skin, and … will cover the entire skin of the afflicted from his head to his feet, wherever the eyes of the Kohen can see — the Kohen shall look, and behold! — the affliction has covered his entire flesh, then he shall declare the affliction to be pure; having turned completely white, it is pure. On the day healthy skin appears …, it (the affliction) shall be contaminated.” (Sefer Vayikra, Perek 13, posukim 12 – 14) read more


Parsha Sh’mini 5768 — The Sincerity, Purity of a Jew’s Service


by Moshe Burt

For seven days, Moshe taught Aaron HaKohen and his sons the laws of their Avodah in the Mishkan. (You might say that they were given OJT from Shemayim.)

Our Parsha Sh’mini begins by relating that on the eighth day, Aaron and his sons commenced their Avodah HaKodosh.

But our Parsha also relates the tragedy of the deaths of Aaron’s two oldest sons, Nadav and Avihu who died while performing an unauthorized Service, offering a “strange fire …, which he did not command them…” (Artscroll Chumash, Vayikra, Perek 10, posuk 1) And our Parsha relates that “Hashem spoke to Aaron saying: Do not drink intoxicating wine, you and your sons …, when you come to the Ohel Mo’ed (the Tent of Meeting), that you not die — this is an eternal decree for your generations. In order to distinguish between the sacred and the profane …” (Artscroll Chumash, Vayikra, Perek 10, p’sukim 8-10). read more


Parsha Tzav and Purim: Our Ketores — the Good and the Bad


by Moshe Burt

In writing a vort on Purim, this author thinks back to a theme addressed in an earlier Siyum on Mesechta Megillah from three years ago as well as another recurring theme on this blog.

The Jew separates and distinguishes himself from the rest of the nations through the Mitzvah of Bris Milah, even though many of our contemporary Jewish brothers would distance themselves from, or stand in denial of their Yiddishkeit. But many among our Jewish brethren would deny Hashem’s control of the world and seek to tailor Torah and their Jewishness to fit the ways of the nations rather than accepting Hashem’s reishut (command) over the world. read more


Parsha Vayikra 5768: The Motivations of True Leaders Vs The Spin of Frauds


By Moshe Burt

The first word of our parsha; Vayikra begs discussion of why the small “aleph” in Vayikra, and tells much about Moshe Rabbeinu’s level of principle, integrity and standard of leadership of B’nei Yisrael.

We are told how Hashem, Kav’yochal, would call gently, affectionately “Moshe, Moshe” in a voice for Moshe Rabbeinu’s ears only and Moshe would respond “Here I am.” (Rashi on Perek 1, posuk 1 Metsuda Linear Chumash & Rashi with footnotes) read more


Parsha Pekudei 5768: Paradigm Leadership, Accountability, Transparency vs the Revilers in the Camp


by Moshe Burt

Our Parsha Pekudei begins; “These are the accounts of the Mishkan (the Sanctuary), the Mishkan of testimony, which were drawn up on Moshe’s orders …” (Shemos, Perek 38, posuk 21 — Metsudah Linear Chumash, page 579).

In short, Pekudei is the accountant’s parsha, the parsha of crunching the numbers.

The Sefer L’lmod U’Lamed (Parsha Pekudei, pages 97-98) asks what the primary reason was for Moshe’s detailed accounting of the costs of the construction of the Mishkan. The Sages tell that “there were apparently some who suspected that Moshe might have keep some … contributions for his own use.” (L’lmod U’Lamed, page 98). read more


Parsha Vayakhel 5768: Betzalel, Hur and Their Modern-day Sequels


by, Moshe Burt

Our Parsha Vayakhel discusses the appointment and role of Betzalel ben Uri, ben Hur in the building of the Mishkan.

The question is asked; why does Torah mention Betzalel’s lineage here?

This author discussed Betzalel in the context of Parsha Mishpatim our question of Yithro’s meriting to pronounce the concept of a Judiciary system to Moshe.

Betzalel, a Jew-from-birth, was instilled with the ability and insight to build the Mishkan.

After all, we learn Hashem imparted to Betzalel ben Uri the insight and ability to build the Mishkan. We learn that Betzalel was the grandson of Hur who was the son of Calev and that the Malchut was promised to Miriam — Moshe’s sister and Calev’s wife. Just as we learn that later the Malchut, under Dovid and Shlomo, built the Beit HaMikdash, so too Betzalel’s building of the Mishkan seems the fulfillment of the Divine promise to Miriam. read more

Parsha Ki Tisa 5768 — Principle vs Peer Group


by Moshe Burt

For many years, since 1991 when Parsha Ki Tisa marked my son Philip’s Bar Mitzvah, I have spoken or written about a posuk in our Parsha which alludes to an event which took place 40 year later, in a subsequent Parsha.

The posuk being referred to (Sh’mos, Perek 30, posuk 30)says that while Moshe Rabbeinu was on Har Sinai being given Torah, Hashem said, “You shall anoint Aaron and his sons and sanctify them to minister (to serve) me.”

This seemingly obscure posuk which pops up in a couple of slightly different forms in both Parsha Tetzaveh and in our Parsha raises a challenging question which cuts to the chase of what we are facing today. The question is; what about that Pinchas Ben Elazar? Why was he not anointed as a Kohen with his brothers? read more


Parsha Tetzaveh 5768 — The Urim U’Tummim and Divine Inspiration

by Moshe Burt

In our Parsha Tetzaveh, the laws regarding the annointment, the vestments and the Avodah (service) of the Kohanim are enunciated for the Jewish people.

While preparing this Parsha HaShavua, this author came across a puzzling quote in Torah Gems by Aharon Yaakov Greenberg on our Parsha.

The quote which is cited (pg 192) relating to perek 28, parsha 15; “And you will make the breastplate of judgement with the work of an artisan…” and is attributable to someone called “Akeidah” reads; read more


Parsha Terumah 5768: The Mishkan and the Eizer, Eizter Connection

by, Moshe Burt

Back in Philadelphia, in the “old country”, R’ Moshe Ungar would speak about the Mizbeiyach in terms of both the Beit HaMikdash and in terms of the personal Mizbeiyach which burns eternally in our hearts. And there is the well-known wish to a Chosson and Kallah that the fire of the personal Mizbeiyach burn eternally.

In our Parsha, we begin learning about the construction and the contents of the Mishkan.

The Shem Mishmuel [Parsha Teruma, pg. 169-172) cites R’ Shimon who said; read more
