Parsha Shelach 5769: Shelach Turned on its Head


by Moshe Burt

Observing the political governmental scene in Israel today, this author’s memories harken back to the late-1980s in Philadelphia, in the years just prior to becoming Ba’al Teshuva.

The conservative synagogue attended for Rosh Hoshana and Yom Kippur had a practice of bringing in a young JTS (Jewish Theological Seminary) guest Rabbi to help and assist the synagogue’s long-time Rabbi who was getting on in years. This particular Yomim Tovim, they brought in a young fellow who proceeded to pitch the philosophies of Breira, one of the leftist-agendized predecessors of Shalom Achshav. read more


Parsha Beha’aloscha 5769 — Real Leadership vs Corrupt, Evil Pretenders


Moshe Burt

Our Parsha speaks about the reasons for the separate section delineated by the inverted “nuns” — “When the Aron (the Ark) would journey, Moshe said, ‘Arise Hashem, and let your foes be scattered, let those who hate you flee from before you.’ And when it rested, he would say, ‘Reside tranquilly, O, Hashem, among the myriad thousands of Israel.'” (Sefer Bamidbar, Perek 10, posukim 35-36)

Preceding these posukim are the posukim which speak about the journey of the Aron and of B’nai Yisrael from Har Sinai to their next resting place, “…a three day distance…” (Sefer Bamidbar, Perek 10, posukim 33 & 34). read more


Shavu’ot/Parsha Naso 5769: Threads of Unity Between Jews — Newly Arrived and Indigenous

Please Note: The author of the Israel and the Sin of Expulsion Blog has set up a special group on Facebook called: Bring Jonathan Pollard Home and urges everyone on this Parsha HaShevua list to join the group. Further, this author urges all of you to dedicate your Shavu’ot night learning L’Zechut Jonathan Pollard — Yehonatan Ben Malka.

Shavu’ot/Parsha Naso 5769: Threads of Unity Between Jews — Newly Arrived and Indigenous

by Moshe Burt

With Shavu’ot always being during the week of Shabbos Parsha Naso, and this year with Shavu’ot coming on the night of yom shi’shi and Shabbos following directly after, there are various common threads between Shabbos Parsha Naso and Chag HaShavu’ot. There is the thread of national unity projected by the Kohanim as expressed in the Birchat Kohanim, the thread of diversity and unique expression within the 12 repetitions of the same offering brought by the Sh’vatim at the inauguration of the Mishkan and the thread regarding the importance of caring for the Ger Tzeddik. read more


Parsha Bamidbar 5769: Unity, and Diversity Within Unity


by Moshe Burt

As has been this author’s norm of late, the Parsha HaShevua for the next Shabbos is prepared on the previous Motsei Shabbos. And so, when preparing the Parsha HaShevua for last week’s parshiyot Behar and Bechukotai, this author did not have the benefit of a vort written by Moshe Feiglin entitled “The Easy Way to Heaven on Earth”, easily the most concise and to-the-point vort I’ve seen on on the Blessings and Curses enunciated in parsha Bechukotai.

Feiglin’s words seem in accord with a vort Rav Malinowitz spoke last year on Shabbos Bechukotai regarding the Tochocha, the rebuke about the perils of complacency, i.e. such things as always bringing something new; a new perspective, a new understanding regarding how the commentators and commentaries view any given point of Torah. And thet seem, as well, in accord with a vort this past Shabbos by Rav Malinowitz where he speaks of always learning, always growing and reaching beyond the bare minimum of doing mitzvot. read more


Parsha Emor 5769: The Kohen’s Purity in Joining Physical and Spiritual


by Moshe Burt

The positioning in Torah of our Parsha Emor, following last week’s Parsha Kedoshim gives rise to thought and contemplation.

In the previous 2 twin Parshas; Acharei Mos and Kedoshim and Tazria and Metzora before them, we learn about the Kohen as the only one Divinely invested with ruling as to Tumah or Ta’Hara regarding ones’ skin, hair, clothing or homes as well as with being the vehicle for Yom Kippur avodah in the Kadosh Kedoshim and as the model of Darchim for the entire B’nai Yisrael to ideally emulate as a model for all mankind. read more


Parsha Acharei Mos/Kedoshim 5769: The Kohen – Paradigm for Loving Care, Conduit for Unity


by Moshe Burt

Our twin Parshiyot; Acharei Mos and Kedoshim are what baseball fans refer to as another of the “doubleheader” parshas. And just as Parshiyot Tazria and Metzora are extensions of each other, visa vi Tumah and Ta’Hara regarding post-birth, regarding skin, hair, clothing or regarding one’s home or building; Acharei Mos and Kedoshim are extensions of each other regarding Kohanim, Yom Kippur, the Kohen’s Yom Kippur avodah in the Kadosh Kedoshim and the Kohanic model of Darchim, which the entire B’nai Yisrael ideally embraces and exhibits as a model for all mankind. read more


Parsha Shemini 5769 — Gauging the Sincerity of a Jew’s Service


By Moshe Burt

We learn in Parsha Tzav that for seven days, Moshe taught Aaron HaKohen and his sons the laws of their Avodah in the Mishkan. (You might say that they were given OJT from Shemayim.)

Our Parsha Shemini begins by relating that on the eighth day, Aaron and his sons commenced their Avodah HaKodosh. And it is interesting and ironic that our parsha is the other side of the term; “Tzav-Shemonah” which is the document or order issued by the Israel Defense Forces calling reservists to active duty in event of war. read more


Parsha Tzav 5769: Jewish Constancy or Complacency?


by Moshe Burt

In our Parsha, Tzav is Moshe’s command from Hashem to Aaron HaKohen and his sons to take up and clothe themselves in their Vestments, their garments of service in the Mishkan, and to begin their daily Avodah (service and offerings in the Mishkan).

For seven days, Moshe taught Aaron HaKohen and his sons the laws of their Avodah in the Mishkan. (You might say that they were given, as they term it in the US, OJT from Shemayim.) On the eighth day, Aaron and his sons began their Avodah. read more


Parsha Vayikra 5769: The Motivations Separating True Leaders From Frauds


By Moshe Burt

The first word of our parsha; Vayikra begs discussion of why the small “aleph” in Vayikra, and tells much about Moshe Rabbeinu’s level of principle, integrity and his standard of leadership of B’nei Yisrael.

We are told how Hashem, Kav’yochal, would call gently, affectionately
“Moshe, Moshe” in a voice for Moshe Rabbeinu’s ears only and Moshe would respond “Here I am.” (Rashi on Perek 1, posuk 1 Metsuda Linear Chumash & Rashi with footnotes) read more


Parsha Ki Tisa 5769 — Torah Principle, Immoral Law and Peer Group Pressure


By Moshe Burt

For many years, since 1991 when Parsha Ki Tisa marked my son Philip’s Bar Mitzvah, I have spoken or written about a posuk in our Parsha which alludes to an event which is recorded in Torah 40 years later, in a subsequent Parsha.

The posuk being referred to (Sh’mos, Perek 30, posuk 30) says that while Moshe Rabbeinu was on Har Sinai being given Torah, Hashem said;

“You shall anoint Aaron and his sons and sanctify them to minister (to serve) me.”

This seemingly obscure posuk which pops up in a couple of slightly different forms in both Parsha Tetzaveh and in our Parsha raises a challenging question which cuts to the chase of what we continue to face today. The question is; what about that Pinchas Ben Elazar? Why was he not anointed as a Kohen with his brothers? read more
