Parshat Emor 5773: The Kohanim: Paradigm of Service, Chessed, Purity; As Am Yisrael Should Be to All Mankind

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parsha HaShevua is being sponsored by Avraham and Miriam Deutsch of Efrat in commemoration of the Yahrtzeit of Avraham’s parents, Mordechai ben Avraham Aba and Sarah Reetza Bat Tzion bat Avraham Yaakov. The Yahrtzeit of Avraham’s Dad is on Yud Tess Iyar. To the Deutsch family, many thanks for your kindness.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring (or as the case may be, co-sponsoring) a Parshat HaShevua. Please be in contact with me with any questions, or for further details. read more


Yom Kippur 5773: Kannoi’yim, Unity, Yom Kippur and the Galbanum of Ketores Revisited and Updated

by Moshe Burt

Having just come through Yom Kippur, this author thought to reflect on our tefillot and our process of teshuvah. There is d’var Torah by the Shem Mishmuel (Sefer Shem Mishmuel, Rabbi Shmuel Bornstein, translated to English by Rabbi Zvi Belovski, pages 440-441). The thoughts expressed by the Shem Mishmuel seem particularly pertinent this Yom Kippur, with emphasis locally, as well as throughout the Jewish world.

In this d’var, Shem Mishmuel cites Moshe Rabbeinu’s final address to the B’nei Yisrael (Devarim, Perek 29, posukim 9-10): read more


Parshat Emor 5772: The Kohanim as a Paradigm of Chessed Purity

by Moshe Burt

The positioning in Torah of our Parsha Emor, following last week’s Parsha Kedoshim gives rise to thought and contemplation. In the previous 2 twin Parshas; Acharei Mos and Kedoshim, and Tazria and Metzora before them, we learn about the Kohen as the only one Divinely invested with ruling as to Tumah or Ta’Hara regarding ones’ skin, hair, clothing or homes as well as with being the vehicle for Yom Kippur avodah in the Kadosh Kedoshim and as the model, the paradigm of the Darchim for the entire B’nai Yisrael to emulate as a model for all mankind. read more


Parshat Vayakhel 5771: Shabbos, the Mishkan and Unity

by Moshe Burt

Our Parsha Vayakhel is dedicated to teaching B’nai Yisrael about Shabbos which has always, until recent times, been the unifying, defining factor of Judaism. It alludes to all else — Yishuv HaAretz, Kiddushin, etc. It symbolizes the Jew’s faith in Hashem. And the melachot involved in the construction of the Mishkan were meant to define the paradigms of melachot prohibited on Shabbos.

The parsha begins by stating that “Moshe assembled the entire congregation of B’nai Yisrael…” (Perek 35, Posuk 1) Torah’s loshen (language) “Adat B’nai Yisrael”, in the context of learning the laws of Shabbos as related to the construction of the Mishkan, seems to indicate a unity — the Assembly of the B’nai if one single entity. read more


Purim Kattan: Halachic Prerogative vs Today’s Reality in Israel

by, Moshe Burt

I’ll start by departing from norm and writing this in the first-person and by asking forgiveness in advance for the absolute bleakness of this piece. But if you don’t forgive me, well — that’s okay too! But I’m gonna say what needs to be said regardless of forgiveness, and regardless of who holds of me where because I see the below as true and accurate portrayal, on the whole, of the state of Am Yisrael today. What’s more, I can almost see R’ Meir Kahane writing precisely this. read more


Parsha Tetzaveh 5767 — Is Something Amiss? Where’s Moshe?

by Moshe Burt

In our Parsha Tetzaveh, the laws regarding the annointment, the vestments and the Avodah (service) of the Kohanim are enunciated for the Jewish people. But wait! Stop the music. Something seems amiss.
Our Parsha, unlike any other place throughout Torah (including Sefer Devarim where Moshe himself speaks to the Jewish people in one continuous Mussar shmooze reviewing the laws and the events of the 40 years in BaMidbar and where each of the Parshiyot are distinguished only by the sections Halachas enunciated) from the time of his birth through Vezos HaBeracha, omits any mention of Moshe Rabbeinu. read more


MSM Lexicon, Shalom Achshav and Olmert Regime: Perfect Together … Vilifying YESHa Residents …

Israel Orders a Dozen ‘Wildcat’ West Bank settlements Dismantled

‘Wildcat’, the latest addition to the MSM lexicon to describe hilltop residents of Yehuda and the Shomron. For context, click here and here.

Peace Now: Set Evacuation Time Frame

Ordering the IDF to prepare an evacuation operation plan, Peretz signed eviction orders for 12 illegal outposts in the West Bank, in what could lead the defense establishment on a collision course with the settlement movement.

Peretz’s decision on Wednesday was to reinstate the evacuation orders to grant the defense establishment the ability to speedily evacuate the outposts if he decided to. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert also gave his approval for the eviction orders. The outposts designated for eviction included: Mizpeh Yitzhar near the settlement of Yitzhar; Yitzhar Darom (South); Havat Shaked; Givat Hadegel near Karnei Shomron; Givat Haroeh near Ramallah; Mizpeh Assaf near Beit El; Mizpeh Lahish near Hebron and Hazon David near Kiryat Arba. read more
