Moshe is a commentator on news and events in Israel and Founder and Director of the Sefer Torah Recycling Network . which is based in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel.
Tent Cities Flooded, Refuseniks’ Platoon will Reaasemble, Site in Gaza to Honor ‘Ghandi’ Assassins, and more…
Site Dedicated to ‘Ghandi’s’ Killers Near Beit Hanoun in Gaza
Nineteen Pages of Gov’t-Sponsored Suffering
Evacuees Demand Tuition Fees Exemption
Settlers’ Tent Cities Flooded by Rain
Refuseniks’ Platoon to be Reassembled
Giving Up Rank in the IDF Over Disengagement
More on Hezy Chazani Burial Costs and Overall State of Refugee Families..
Update: According to the latest report, State of [Evicted] Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities Report #11, Minister of Science and Technology Matan Vilnai was contacted and the matter of the 30,000 NIS burial of Hezi Chazani was handled by Vilnai’s office. “Vilnai’s staff is eager to let the public know that if, G-d forbid, another evacuee dies, his family will not have to pay to have their loved one buried.”
One small little problem, the matter has not been handled as yet and if it is not handled by 25 October, there will be no tombstone on the grave. My sources express grave doubt that the Chazani family will ever see these funds from the government, and just as none but a very few number of evictees have seen any compensation from the government, the overwhelming majority of evictees face court fights for years in efforts to recover that which is due them, that which has been stolen from them.
Trial Balloons Again?
Peace Now: Evacuate 43 settlements:“Calls for the evauation of 43 settlements in the West Bank in a two-stage plan, along with the removal of illegal West Bank outposts, and the renewal of negotiations with the Palestinians.”
So far, silence from Olmert.
3rd Intifada?, Gush Etzion Terrorists Still at Large, Gross Violation of Civil Rights
Billionare Looks to Help Fix Israel
A very nice article appeared in today’s Jerusalem Post about Billionaire Bernie Marcus, the founder and head of the mega-successful Home Depot chain. The article states that he is one of the “top charitable donors in the United States.”
In reading the article, I am struck by the contrasts in it. On the one hand, Mr. Marcus wants to see Israel self-sufficient and a constitutional democracy and so founded the Israel Democracy Institute. On the other hand, when speaking of chessed, the article instead refers to charity; “He gives primarily to Jewish charities, medical research, and organizations which help develop entrepreneurship.” Developing entreprenurialship is praiseworthy, but by no means unique. There are numerous others involved in developing entrenprenurialship. And it’s very nice that as a boy, he saved his ice cream money each week to buy a tree in Israel.
On Again, Off Again at The Temple Mount.
This morning, the High Court of Justice
Israeli Government “Expectations” of Dubya??
The Jerusalem Post reports that J’lem Expects Bush to Pressure PA.
The report states “Israel expects US President George W. Bush to take a firm stand against terrorism when he meets with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Washington on Thursday, a source in the Prime Minister’s Office told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.” (The whole track record of the chemistry of Israel/US relations says that Israeli “expectations” are exceedingly excessive.)
The report continues; “The expectation comes despite calls from the State Department on Monday, following the death of three Israelis in a drive-by shooting by Palestinian terrorists, to continue making gestures to ease the lives of Palestinians.”
The Case of Yechezkel Chazani’s Burial
This is a story which just has to be told. I have been following this story since the untimely, unfortunate death of Yechezkel Chazani’s just before Yom Kippur.
On 12 October, 2005, Toby Klein Greenwald wrote Report #10: State of Evicted Residents of Gush Katif, Northern Gaza and Northern Shomron Communities; Victim of Disengagement: 30,000 IS to bury him “because he doesn’t live here.”
As a follow-up, I received the forwarded email below just after Yom Tov. As the email was forwarded to me, I am now putting it out for readers of this blog to review and act on. I am removing the sender’s names for their own security and protection. If there is anyone interested in helping, please contact me for contact information.
You heard it here first.
The Arabs will claim that Israel sabotaged Gaza. And the world, including the US, will buy this bogus claim.
Consider the words of Caroline Glick in her article last month, “Gaza’s Long Shadow.”
She wrote;
“In Gaza, now empty of all Jewish presence, the Palestinians lost no time in taking charge of events in their own special way. First came the firebombing of the synagogues. We were asked indignantly by such paragons of virtue as PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas, “Well, what did you expect to happen?” As if it should go without saying that the Palestinians will exploit any opportunity to show us their contempt for all things Jewish.