Any Tie-in Between These Two Stories??
Hendel: Bring Down Gov’t, Refugees Succah in Demolished Homesh, Gen. Stern: No Remorse
Torrential Rain of Sukkot
Katsav to Sign Over Parts of David’s Tomb to Vatican
Operative Quotes from Ellen W. Horowitz, author :
“An official Vatican newspaper has reported that during his upcoming visit to the Vatican, President Moshe Katsav will sign an agreement giving parts of David’s Tomb over to papal control.” (Israel National
“The Times reported that Israel will hand over control of the reputed room of Jesus’ last supper, in a building on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. In return, a historic synagogue in Toledo, Spain, which became a church after the Inquisition….” (The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles)
Al Aksa Brigades Members Join PA Security Forces
PA to Integrate Al Aksa Brigades Into the PA Security Forces
“Qurei … revealed that the PA had decided to set up five training camps in the West Bank for the gunmen, who are expected to join the various branches of the security forces.”
Call it a weapons trade!!
PM Wants Dichter in Likud
PM Wants Dichter to Join Him in Likud
Operative quotes:
“The prime minister wants to see him in his party and the infrastructure for them to run together is being laid,” a Sharon associate said. “They will be together but we don’t know yet in what capacity and when.”
“Dichter was a vocal supporter of Sharon’s disengagement plan. His praise for the plan balanced out the vocal criticism from former IDF Chief of General Staff Moshe Ya’alon.”
Noteworthy Headlines
Why the Media Blackout of Chol HaMo’ed Events in Chevron?
Sadly, there will be no links here to any news reports. Last Wednesday, all events were apparently washed out by the torrential rains on the first day of Chol HaMo’ed. But Thursday, the Chol HaMo’ed events in Chevron, including the Concert went uncovered, blacked out by the Media here (at least the English language media), even by Israel National News.
On Thursday, the sun was out and it was a great day for celebrations and a concert.
There was delicious and plentiful food and plenty of Succah room to eat it. There was tefillah inside the Ma’arat HaMachpela as well as the Concert with Bands and Artists who rocked. On of the featured acts, a drummer who is a singer as well and whose name escapes me, was up there “in a zone” as they say in Baseball when a hitter is on a hot streak. It was “a zone” reminescent of Purim two years at my Shul Kehillah Beis Tefillah when “Bad Benji” reached the heights with a mean pair of sticks.