“Broad and Unyielding” — More Military, Political Action


More Evictions

Mofaz Orders IDF to Destroy 12 Buildings at Illegal Ofra Outpost, to Evict 15 Jewish Families living in Former Chevron Shuk

As stated earlier [as I was told before Rosh Hashana and which I wrote in a D’var Torah], the next eviction is being planned and has been signed into effect — this one from the former Arab shuk in Chevron. Once this eviction has taken place, another 15 Jewish families would need to seek residence elsewhere (hopefully within the Chevron community), worse yet, the entire Chevron Jewish Community would be endangered by close contact with Arab terrorists. And the Beitar Guest House and a number of prominent Chevron families whose residences are within 50 – 100 meters of the former Shuk would be imperiled. read more


Re: Jewish Principles and Courage

Here is another item found on my email log this morning. I urge you to sign this petition. It’s about time that Jews got their backs and started demanding, by every means available, a Jewish Government in Israel.

“After more than two months of media censorship and silence, the shameful story of the Israeli government prosecution and persecution of a 16-year-girl for her political and religious beliefs has broken through the media ban. The story of Tziviya Sariel of Elon Moreh finally hit the papers and her uncle was about to be interviewed on Israeli Channel 2, when an Israeli court issued a gag order against any publicity concerning her case.” read more


Re: “Spare Us the Lectures”

This morning, I found this on my email log from somone by the name of Yuval relating to the story posted yesterday, “Spare Us the Lectures.” I consider his points food for deep consideration.

“Now that the Jewish communities in Gush Katif (Gaza) do not draw Arab terrorists’ fire anymore, the terrorists can concentrate entirely on the heart of Israel and Judea & Samaria. Those who were against the expulsion from Gaza could see what’s coming. Did Sharon’s government see it too? Steven Plaut’s frightening predictions are now a step closer. Gaza is behind us. Now terror will continue until Israel expels Jews from Judea and Samaria. After those territories are unilaterally given to the Arab-Palestinians, terror will continue in the Galilee, then the Negev. After we give away those, Tel Aviv turn will arrive… read more


Disengagement [Expulsion] News and Commentary

Two Outposts Again Manned Despite Evacuation

IDF Commander: Terrorists Will Strike Ashkelon, Expulsion Rationale “Not Purely Military”

Many of us have spoken volumes about the real ulterior motives behind the “disengagement”, the expulsion. Here’s a frank admission by outgoing Southern Commander;

“Concerning the expulsion, the outgoing commander [Lt. General Harel] admitted that the IDF acted in matters “that were not purely military.” He added, “I am not sure the disengagement stemmed from security considerations, although I assume they were part of the considerations that brought the move.” read more


More Expulsions, J’lem Hyatt Drama, “Unyielding War” Against Terrorism, Hadera Bombing Fatalities
