Regime to Former Gush Katif Jews: Arab Worker Claims “Your Problem”



Imagine being evicted from your homes, losing your businesses, your livelihood by a regime bent on making your land Yudenrein and handing it over to the nation’s sworn enemies.

Now imagine that your business employed indigenous Gaza Arabs and when the regime expelled you and forced closure of your business, the employees; the Gaza Arabs — some 10,000 people who worked in agriculture and related industries were made jobless.

Now imagine that the majority of former Gush Katif residents still find themselves unemployed, but yet the unemployed Arabs are suing their former Jewish employers, rather than the government of Israel, for “wrongful dismissal.” read more


Barak to Ashkelon Residents: Rockets, Not for Long


Barak to Ashkelon; “Any day now…”


More familiar hot air refrains, delaying tactics to avoid taking serious action. Been there, done that! We’ve heard it all before; countless times before. Barak’s comments to the residents of Ashkelon can be best summed up by the old American TV mortgage loan commercial which opens with an aged mortgage officer answering phone calls from anxious applicants with a no sense shared urgency response; “Any day now, any day now.” read more


New Stamp Honoring Gush Katif: Symbolism Over Substance?


American radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has continually used the phrase “symbolism Over substance” in illustrating cases of governmental lip-service toward a principle or issue.

We find, with the Gush Katif stamp, a classic example of “symbolism Over substance.” While large numbers of former Gush Katif residents have suffered, and continue to suffer directly-related psychological trauma, as well as continuing, in large part, to live limbo without permanent resettlement, lack of compensation and lack of parnossa, the Gush Katif stamp means nothing other than the regime throwing them a worthless, meaningless bone for all of their suffering. A stamp is meaningless payback for their persecution and for the loss of of their beloved Gush Katif due to their Jewishness! When do Jews stop settling for their epitaphs? MB read more


Parsha Vayeishev 5768: Yosef and the Pit and Our Gush Katif Brethren — Miracles for All Time


by, Moshe Burt

Two years ago, just before Chanukah, a short article appeared on the INN website entitled; “Mortar Shells Filled With Chanukah Light” told about the Menorah made from some of the spent Islamic mortal shells which were launched on Neve Dekalim over the years.

Reading about this special Menorah which was lit at one of the Jerusalem hotels which temporarily housed many former Neve Dekalim residents, took me back in time to Philadelphia, in “the “old country” and to a point made by Rav Yehoshua Kaganoff about the pit in which Yaakov was thrown. The point bears repeating. read more


Expulsion of Jews From Gush Katif, Shomron; Sequel to Altalena?


In 59 years since Israel’s modern-day statehood, perhaps things have remained the same. Sarah Honig writes a powerful and devastating analogy between the rhetoric of the Altalena period and the rhetoric of the expulsion from Gush Katif and the 4 Shomron towns.

Palmah soldier Uri Yarom;

“…. I’ll never forget that fellow wearing a blue shirt done up with a white cord [the Hashomer Hatza’ir uniform], who directed the snipers to their targets and pointed to each head that bobbed above the water’s surface. His eyes flashed with hatred as he egged the sharpshooters on with his shouts, spotted their quarry and encouraged them to get the swimmers. My heart shuddered within me. Before my eyes was waged a war between brothers! Jews are shooting Jews – in order to kill!” read more

500,000 Million NIS for Former GK Residents a Start, But There’s A LONG WAY to Go

State Approves [Additional] NIS 500 Million for Gush Katif Evacuees (Jerusalem Post)

Full Text;

A ministerial committee approved Wednesday an addition of NIS 500 million to the budget allocated for the compensation of families evacuated from Gush Katif during Israel’s disengagement from Gaza in 2005.

The monetary addition was meant to resolve issues which remained unaccounted for in the original compensation law.

The union of Gush Katif residents expressed its gratitude for the decision to increase the budget, an issue which the former residents have been struggling over for a lengthy period of time. read more


Gush Etzion Municipality to Honor Former Disengagement Defense Minister Mofaz


Gush Etzion Mayor Shaul Goldstein has apparently buried or subordinated his principles (if he had any in the first place), in awarding and glorifying Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, former Defense Minister during the August, 2005 expulsions of Jews from Gush Katif and 4 Shomron towns. Goldstein argues that Mofaz is receiving an award because of his refurbishment of Efrat Junction and because Gush Etzion is asking him to “double the lanes leading to Jerusalem.” This seems a definite case of distateful political glorification; Mofaz’s calling in the “debt”: the payoff for merely doing his job. read more


New Communities for Gush Katif People? Regime Record Says: Seeing is Believing, But Not Before

For context, click here.

New Communities Planned in Lachish for Gush Katif Refugees, by Hana Levi Julian (Israel National News)

Full Text;

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is set to announce the construction of seven communities in the Lachish region that will become the new homes for a group of Jewish communities expelled from Gush Katif.

Plans that have been on the drawing board for at least ten months were reportedly finalized this week between Jewish refugees from Gaza and senior officials in the Prime Minister’s Office. read more


Regime Continues False, Fabricated Spin About Gush Katif Expellees

Gov’t: 75% of Gaza Evacuees Have Jobs, By Tovah Lazaroff (Jerusalem Post)


Approximately 75 percent of the Gaza Strip evacuees have found jobs since they were expelled from their homes in 2005, according to statistics presented Monday to the Ministerial Disengagement Committee. This number will increase to 85% within half a year, government officials who are working with the evacuees said.

But Yosef Zvi Rimon, head of the nongovernmental group JobKatif, which helps to find jobs for the evacuees, said the government’s numbers were too high. He said only 38% of the evacuees had found jobs. read more


“Amazing Caring People”, MK Ariel Helping Gush Katif People Fight to Win Over Evil Regime

Gush Katif: Fighting, and Possibly Winning, on Two Fronts, by Hillel Fendel (Israel National News)


MKs Ariel and Yitzchaki hope their bill for a billion shekels in compensation-increases for the expellees will be brought up for a Knesset vote next week. Some residents are trying another route.

Most of the nearly 1,700 families thrown out of their homes in Gush Katif 16 months ago have still not received the promised financial compensation to help them rebuild their lives. The residents say matters are being held up not only by regular old-fashioned bureaucracy, but by the restrictiveness of the Evacuation-Compensation Law that was passed shortly before the expulsion. read more
