Livni Repartitioning Jerusalem, WHERE’S SHAS?



How many more facts and realities will Shas disregard and rationalize away in their abandonment of Jerusalem for the love of money and partison self-aggrandisement?

Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA makes these comments about the consequences of the Olmert, Livni, Ramon partition of Jerusalem polices, and Shas’ acceptance and enablement of them, and what these policies have wrought by way of President Bush’s upcoming 60 year Yom Hatsma’ot visit to Israel; read more


Olmert, Barak, Livni Regime Continues to Cave to US “Pressure”


The equivocal Ehud Olmert government of subserviance to the US and appeasement of terrorists continues to cave to American “pressure”
rewarding terror with victory after victory. The equivocation of the government of Israel negates the IDF’s military credibility and strategic deterrence while perpetrating a massive Chillul Hashem by discrediting our Divine right to the Land. MB

U.S. ‘Very Surprised’ at Extent of Israeli Concessions, by Gil Ronen (Israel National News) read more


Pressure on Shas to Leave Government Builds

For context, click here for recent blog posts about Jerusalem division and Shas’ non-reaction to it. MB

‘Build in Betar Illit or Leave Government’, by Matthew Wagner (Jerusalem Post)


United Torah Judaism’s six MKs, who were joined by settlement leaders such as mayor of Ma’aleh Adumim and former head of the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip Benny Kashriel, called on Shas, the Sephardi haredi coalition member, to issue an ultimatum: lift the freeze on building in the Gush Etzion settlement or leave the government. read more


Haven’t We Heard This “Never Pressure Israel” Many Times Before?


Haven’t we heard this from each succeeding US administration? Don’t we hear this from Republican presidential candidate John McCain and the two major Democratic candidates? But isn’t it true that once each succeeding administration came to power, from Carter right on forward to the waning days of the George W. Bush presidency, they each whistled a different tune from their campaign promises? And don’t successive Israeli governments, upon hearing each one of these repeated pledges not to pressure Israel, herald each pledge as a great step forward, as if never heard before? One who has a shekel for each time the statement “we will never pressure Israel over security” is uttered would be wealthy indeed. read more


Will Olmert Regime Back Down on Givat Ze’ev, Stiff Shas?


There is a type of “convergence” of several major stories of this time into one;

Olmert, facing pressure from “the nations” coupled with self-hatred for Jewishness and overwhelming lust for perpetuation of his prime ministerial power, will back down on Givat Ze’ev just as sure as he backed down on mounting a credible invasion of Gaza, just as he backed down on connecting Ma’alei Adumim to Jerusalem, just as he invaded Lebanon hodge-podge, not to win, in July 2006. read more


Regime Posturing and Backing Down: It’s Beyond Embarrassing



The repeated saber-rattling of the Olmert-Livni-Barak regime has long-since passed way beyond embarrassing. Each episode of saber-rattling, of talking the talk, is inevitably followed shortly thereafter by these incompetent, self-serving political hacks backing down out of fear, intimidation by, and subserviance to the superpower. Without a belief-based rooting, these irreligious so-called “leaders” are thus disabused of “walking the walk.”

And so what results is, as with the Lebanon conflict, a hodge-podge, hit-or-miss set of aims and goals far beneath TOTAL Victory and vanquishment of the enemy sworn to vanquish and decimate us. As this blog has repeatedly noted, the goal of the regime is to bring international forces to Gaza, as with Lebanon. And, as any thinking person knows; international “peacekeeping” forces lack total credibility based on past record. read more

Shas Concedes Jerusalem Talks Took Place, Despite Threat?



Eli Yishai and the Shas party are looking more foolish, inept and incapable by the day.

Yishai has repeatedly promised to topple Olmert and his coalition the moment that they begin trying to bargain away Yerushalayim. R’ Ovadia Yoseph has mandated this promise.

Despite all of Ehud Olmert’s deceit and broken promises, Shas continues to remain in the Olmert government.

Now we find Yishai making a grievously ridiculous statement;

“…If negotiations on Jerusalem continue, Shas will immediately leave the government.” read more

PM Olmert: Admit Damage You’ve Done to Israel and Resign


Hat tip to Manhigut Yehudit for picture.


Ehud Olmert has done devastating damage to the nation of Israel and yet struts around struts around extolling the virtues of the disaster which he and his other stooges; Livni, Peretz, Halutz, etc., and Arik Sharon before him, set in motion beginning with the Expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif, the police riot in Amona, the kidnapping of the three young soldiers, the Lebanon conflict and the constant terror of Sderot and the Negev from Gaza. read more


Winograd Mandate: “Complete Overhaul of Governing of Israel”


In this author’s opinion, David Horovitz’s piece on Winograd is undoubtedly the most succinct, to the point journalistic commentary to come out of Israel’s msm in recent memory. And it mirrors a point which this blog tried to hammer home; the dire need to deconstruct Israel’s governance, institutions and bureaucracy.

The same old, tired names, faces and modus operendi need to go, need to be forcibly retired from Israel’s governance and their spheres of influence severed; Olmert, Peretz, Peres, Barak, Ramon, Sheetrit, etc., and yes, Bibi, Sylvan Shalom, Eli Yishai and his Shas party hacks too! read more

Tzipi Livni as Olmert Replacement: Easily Most Inept FM



This piece by Caroline Glick should go alongside a collection of previous pieces by Glick and others regarding Livni’s abject incompetence in office.

Of course Livni is NOT the answer, nor is Bibi, nor are the whole stock of Israeli politicians styling and profiling across the scene today. Not only must Olmert, Livni, Barak and Ramon all go, but Israel’s entire governance must be deconstructed and reconstructed. And there is only one group capable of bring governance to Israel capable of ridding her of a current status as a Banana Republic and returning the Jewish nation to a status of a Jewish sovereign nation. That group is Manhigut Yehudit. MB read more