Olmert Regime and the Rule of Law: Two Must Reads [With a Few Thousand Grains of Salt Re: Motivations of the Writers]

Paz-Pines: Olmert Weakening Rule of Law, by Gil Hoffman (Jerusalem Post]


Labor leadership candidate Ophir Paz-Pines launched his campaign on Wednesday by accusing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of being corrupt, Defense Minister Amir Peretz of causing damage and his party of being “addicted to power.”

“Olmert saying that he had no agenda was one of the worst things a prime minister has ever said, especially at a time when mothers are sending their children to war,” Paz-Pines said, referring to a statement Olmert made in September. read more


Criminal Probe Launched Against Olmert, Other Probes Possible

Police Launch Criminal Probe Against Olmert on Bank Leumi Sale, by by Gil Zohar (Israel National News)

Full Text;

State prosecutor Eran Shendar ordered Israel Police to launch a criminal probe Tuesday against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert concerning the sale of the government’s shares in Bank Leumi.

Olmert, it is alleged, used his former position as finance minister in order to help two friends who were interested in buying the shares. Olmert has denied interfering in the tender for the state’s controlling interest in the bank. read more

Israel’s Self-Inflicted Sustained War Wounds

Analysis: Israel’s Numerous War Wounds, By Anshel Pfeffer

“What hasn’t been improved one bit since the end of the war is the decision-making process of our political leadership; in fact, that’s only got much worse.”


This blog is not picking up this article for it’s conclusions, but for the points made within and that the conditions within the government and the IDF are apparently showing no improvement.

Pfeffer begins and ends this article by seeming to give Nasrallah
credit for the current and ongoing debacle; read more


Could This Be the Beginning of The End of Olmert Regime, or Validation of the Olmert/(Sharon) Etrog Theory?

PM’s Bureau Chief Under House Arrest, Hillel Fendel (Israel National News)

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Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s Bureau Chief is restricted to house arrest, while several others, including her brother, are in custody over a major tax and bribe scandal.

Shula Zaken, her brother Jerusalem City Councilman (Likud) Yoram Karashi, and others are suspected of involvement in accepting or arranging bribes from political figures and businesspeople in return for tax breaks and other favors.

Olmert’s Bureau Chief was restricted to house arrest for ten days by a Tel Aviv magistrate Tuesday night after being questioned by the fraud squad at its Bat Yam headquarters for more than eight hours. Her brother is in custody, along with the Director-General of the Israel Tax Authority and a private businessman. read more


Likud, Right Wing? For Those Who Still Think Bibi is Alternative to Olmert, Left…

Lieberman Beat Netanyahu to Coalition, by Yossi Verter (Haaretz)


To parody Reagan, It’s about politics, stupid. And politics is all that matters to these guys, the people, the Jews, Israel’s security and well-being be damned! Lieberman, Bibi: Birds of a feather; No principles, no ideology and as morally corrupt as the day is long! Wouldn’t it make things kind of interesting if the AG decided to prosecute Lieberman for one or more of the charges being investigated against him. What would that do to Olmert’s precious oalition enlargement? MB read more


The Consequences of the Expulsion…

The Crime and Punishment of Gush Katif, By Uri Elitzur (Ynet)

“The commentators gave opposing views and estimates, but not even one of them thought the major general said what he did simply because he believed what he was saying.”

“No committee of inquiry is built to probe ties that that go so deeply. But if they really want to fix the foundations, they should look courageously at the signs indicating that all the failures and downfalls we have experienced in the past year didn’t constitute the crime but rather the punishment.” read more


Moshe Yaalon: Great Hope, or Great Nope??

Ari Shavit did an interview with former Chief of Staff Moshe “Boogey” Yaalon which appeared in this past Friday’s (15 September, 2006) Haaretz Magazine.

Aaron Lerner, in posting the interview on IMRA observed “Those in the national camp hoping to see Ya’alon teaming with Netanyahu should take note… when asked about the Golan [Yaalon responds]: “If a territorial concession will bring about true peace and full recognition of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, I am not against that.” read more

Today’s Election Politics …

Eitam: Likud Preferred Party Unity Over Land of Israel


“Eitam said, ‘The Likud, which was afraid to depose Sharon before he lifted his hand against Gush Katif, is today paying the price of the treachery against the values of the nationalist camp, and for the turning of their back against the settlers. The Likud now sees how its leader abandons the sinking ship after he made holes in its ideological bottom, and now goes to bring new wind into the left-wing sails.‘”

“‘Those who sacrificed the wholeness of the Land of Israel on the altar of the wholeness of the Likud Party,’ Eitam said, ‘now see that dividing the Land of Israel leads to the division of the Likud Party.'” read more
