Motsei Shabbos, Sunday War News…

Israel Battling Arab Misinformation

“The French news agency AFP reported that “tanks and bulldozers surrounded the hospital in Beit Hanoun” and that a witness said, ‘Soldiers warned through loudspeakers that they would open fire on anyone trying to enter or leave the building.'”

“AFP later quoted IDF spokesman that ‘There is only one tank in position near the hospital, but there is nothing extraordinary going on” and there were no warnings to residents.'” read more


Foreign Ministry Efforts to Reinvent Israel as Liberal/Gay-Friendly…

Column One: Truth in Advertising, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“One of the primary target audiences that the Foreign Ministry is trying to attract is the homosexual community. Ministry officials view gay culture as the entryway to the liberal culture because, as he put it, gay culture is the culture that creates ‘a buzz.'”

“The so-called liberal Left are the ones who call Israel “that shi**y little country” at fancy dinner parties.”


Israel is trying to reinvent itself. Last week Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni hosted a conference where she launched a new multimillion dollar project to “rebrand” Israel. As Livni put it, since coming into office, she has been struck by the disparity between the vibrant, liberal, free Israel she knows and Israel’s image abroad. read more

To Convey a Coherent, Convincing, Compelling Image/Media Message…

Hasbara: Lights, Camera, Combat, by Haviv Rettig (Jerusalem Post)


Few complaints held against recent Israeli governments have so completely attained the lofty status of “conventional wisdom” as those directed at Israel’s image-makers and -explainers. The many critics of hasbara claim that, while the importance of “getting the message out” has become paramount (in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and low-intensity combat generally), the IDF and state bureaucracies have failed miserably in conveying a coherent and convincing message to the world. read more


Shabbos War News…


Supreme Court, the Attorney General and the Void Left by Knesset’s Abdication of Authority…

Abdication of Responsibility, By Evelyn Gordon (Jerusalem Post)


Who runs this country, anyway? The question was prompted by a report in Monday’s Haaretz claiming that “several” MKs had lambasted Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz for not issuing a clear ruling on whether President Moshe Katsav should step down because of the investigation against him.

This reaction is astonishing first of all because by law, the attorney-general has no authority whatsoever over the president – whereas the Knesset does: It can oust him. read more


Friday War News…


Gay March and Other Such Public Gay Displays Must Be Banned — Permanently!

With the planned Gay Abomination only a week away, there are some points which need to be put out in blogosphere and digested, intellectualized and internalized.

Many years ago back in Chutz L’Aretz, this author learned early on after becoming Ba’al Teshuvah that Jewish history is cyclical. And so, this gay atrocity thrust upon Jerusalem, Eretz Yisrael and B’nai Yisrael is due for Erev Shabbos Vayeira whose Torah portion teaches about the two malachim whose task it was to save Lot and his family and to bring about destruction of the wicked, depraved and abominable Sodom. read more

On Missile Attacks: No Technological Substitute for Man, for Search and Destroy…

Using Technology to Cover Incompetence, by Steven E. Golden (Israel National News)


… In law enforcement (cop school). Somewhere along the way, we were introduced to what’s called the “21-foot rule” of street survival. Put simply: if the bad guy has a knife out in view and is less than seven meters away, while the good guy still has his pistol in his holster, then no matter how fast the good guy is at drawing and firing his weapon, the bad guy can run and stab him before a shot is fired. The point of … illustrating this rule is, obviously, that superior technology can be trumped by superior tactics. read more


Thursday War News…


Foreign Forces: Oft-Proven Bankrupt Concept Again Backfiring Against Israel…

The Problem With Foreign Forces, Jerusalem Post Editorial

For context, click here.


The problem with foreign forces; in a nutshell such that msm pundits can’t relate amongst their sea of empty, meaningless words; entrusting Israel’s defense to third parties never worked and never will. Whether to whatever UN mechanism, whether to the “p.a (sic)”, whether to Egypt who, as Caroline Glick spells out; “has been assiduously preparing its military for war against Israel…” or to the French or the Germans, not only has such dependency on third parties to prevent enemy actions never worked to Israel’s benefit, but have ALWAYS worked against Israel, to her detriment, to constrict and constrain any attempt by Israel to defend herself. read more