The Mother of Expulsions?: Israel to Cede Mt. Zion to Vatican?, State offers JNF NIS 1.3b and Land Swap

A couple of messages were on my email log this afternoon. Taken together and with the two articles to which they refer, one can begin to understand all of the implications and ramifications of the actions of the current Regime governing Israel regarding these two aligned issues. Indications are that unless there are rapid and major changes in the way Israel is governed [i.e governed according to Torah principles, as a unique people and with a love of Eretz Yisrael as divinely Holy, not just a stam piece of Real Estate] , we could awake one day to find that our beloved Eretz Yisrael has been signed away and sold out from under us. MB read more

Parsha HaShevua — Parsha No’ach 5766

Parsha No’ach 5766: The Lesson of Expulsion, Learning that “Line of
Gemora” and Reaching Beyond

by Moshe Burt

Had an interesting conversation at Night Seder the other night with a friend from Shul.

While talking with me about the Matzav we all face, he drew a contrast between himself and me. Being a musician, he asked me if I knew how to read a musical score. I said no. He complimented me at being so good at what I do; activism, fighting for Eretz Yisrael, understanding the “politics”, etc. read more
