Parshat Va’era 5771: The Roots of Disconnection From Jewish Power Sources — Then and Now

by Moshe Burt

At the conclusion of Parsha Shemos, Moshe and Aaron are confronted, upon exiting Pharoah’s Palace, by the B’nai Yisrael who are in deeper despair than before because of the increased workload, i.e. finding their own straw while the quotas remain the same, which resulted from Pharoah’s fury at Moshe’s first effort to secure their freedom and exit from Mitzrayim.

Our Parsha begins with the dialogue which Moshe Rebbeinu has with Hashem prior to again speaking to the B’nai Yisrael. And so, after Hashem rebukes Moshe for his complaint and reassures him that redemption is at hand, Moshe again addresses the B’nai Yisrael as to his meeting with Pharoah; read more


Parsha Vayeitzei 5771: Yaakov, Lavan and Practical Applications of Compassion and Cruelty L’Shem Shemayim

by Moshe Burt

In last week’s Parsha Toldos, we learned about Rivka, who rose above an evil environment while internalizing it’s insights and was thus well positioned to urge Yaakov to claim the Bracha, and about Yaakov, the “Ish Tam”. We learn that Yaakov was “totally honest, a man of great integrity” but was also master over the trait of being “tam”, a “‘plain man’, … without trickery. This means that Yaakov did not allow this “Ish Tam” character trait to dominate him. He knew when and where to act otherwise. We knew that from his demand for the birthright from Eisev in exchange for the lentil soup. These traits surely seemed inculcated to Yaakov as a result of Rivka Imeinu’s nurturing. We later learned that Yaakov told Rachel; “‘…that he was her father’s kinsman’, according to the Sages, ‘If he has come to be sly, I am his kinsman in being sly.'” (Rashi on Breish’t Perek 29, posuk 12) read more


Parsha Vayeitzei 5770: Yaakov and Practical Applications of Compassion and Cruelty — Revisit

by Moshe Burt

In last week’s Parsha Toldos, we learned about Rivka, who rose above an evil environment while internalizing it’s insights and was thus well positioned to urge Yaakov to claim the Bracha, and about Yaakov, the “Ish Tam”. We learn that Yaakov was “totally honest, a man of great integrity” but was also master over the trait of being “tam”, a “‘plain man’, … without trickery. This means that Yaakov did not allow this “Ish Tam” character trait to dominate him. He knew when and where to act otherwise. We knew that from his demand for the birthright from Eisev in exchange for the lentil soup. These traits surely seemed inculcated to Yaakov as a result of Rivka Imeinu’s nurturing. read more


Friday Thru Sunday War News: Kassams Fired From Gaza, Attack Foiled at Gaza Border, Israel Retaliates; Firebombings, Rock Attacks in Yesha, Terrorist Attacks Foiled, Arabs Torch 2 Buildings at Havat Gilad, 7 Terrorists Nabbed


How Do Arab Illegals Infiltrate With Jewish Religious Garb?


This author sent the following message on Twitter relating to this story; Police Pull Over 5 Palestinians With Jewish Religious Items on Highway 1 [Near Beit Shemesh, Latrun] two days ago:

Can some1 tell me how illegal Palestinians infiltrate with Jewish religious items, w/o work permits?

Today, a RT (Re-Tweet) was sent:

RTCan some1 tell me how illegal Pals infiltrate with Jewish religious items, w/o work permits? See Y:

Basically, this query relates to so-called “goodwill gestures” noted in The Jerusalem Post piece below which put Jewish lives at increasing risk via Arab terror attacks [MB}: read more


Monday, Tuesday War News: Hamas Seeks ‘Mega Tunnels’ to Bring Rockets to Hit Tel Aviv; 24 Terrorists Nabbed in 2 Days, Firebombs and Rock Attacks — Jewish Driver Injured, Terror Infiltration Foiled Near Elon Moreh, Explosives, Weapons Seized in Umm el-Fahm

Hamas Needs Smuggling ‘Mega Tunnels’ [to Smuggle in Larger Rockets], by Yaakov Katz (Jerusalem Post)


“Rockets that Hamas would like to get its hands on include the long-range Iranian-made Fajr, which has a range of 70 km. and could reach as far as the outskirts of Tel Aviv. Unlike the Grad-model Katyusha, which is 2 meters long, the Fajr is close to 10 m. and is not easy to assemble if smuggled into Gaza in components.”

IDF Arrests 19 Terror Suspects in Judea and Samaria [in the Jenin, Shechem and Hevron Areas] read more


Parsha Ki Tisa 5769 — Torah Principle, Immoral Law and Peer Group Pressure


By Moshe Burt

For many years, since 1991 when Parsha Ki Tisa marked my son Philip’s Bar Mitzvah, I have spoken or written about a posuk in our Parsha which alludes to an event which is recorded in Torah 40 years later, in a subsequent Parsha.

The posuk being referred to (Sh’mos, Perek 30, posuk 30) says that while Moshe Rabbeinu was on Har Sinai being given Torah, Hashem said;

“You shall anoint Aaron and his sons and sanctify them to minister (to serve) me.”

This seemingly obscure posuk which pops up in a couple of slightly different forms in both Parsha Tetzaveh and in our Parsha raises a challenging question which cuts to the chase of what we continue to face today. The question is; what about that Pinchas Ben Elazar? Why was he not anointed as a Kohen with his brothers? read more


Parsha Vayeitzei 5769: Yaakov and Practical Applications of Compassion and Cruelty


by Moshe Burt

In last week’s Parsha Toldos, we learned about Rivka, who rose above an evil environment while internalizing it’s insights and was thus well positioned to urge Yaakov to claim the Bracha, and about Yaakov, the “Ish Tam”. We learn that Yaakov was “totally honest, a man of great integrity” but was also master over the trait of being “tam”, a “‘plain man’, … without trickery. This means that Yaakov did not allow this “Ish Tam” character trait to dominate him. He knew when and where to act otherwise. We knew that from his demand for the birthright from Eisev in exchange for the lentil soup. These traits surely seemed inculcated to Yaakov as a result of Rivka Imeinu’s nurturing. read more


Israeli Leftist Regime ‘Animal Farm’

Three news items caught this author’s eye today. Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA cites an reports that a police detective has admitted to using Arab stone throwers to stop young Jews from hiking through West Bank (Yehuda and the Shomron) on July 29.

In the second item, the IDF has restricted Jewish travel in Judea and Samaria under the guise of “fear of violent clashes between nationalists and police.”

The third news item is that the Government has okayed a database of all Israelis’ fingerprints, pictures. read more


Sunday, Monday War News: IDF Counterterrorism Ops in Yesha Test Gaza Truce, Color Red False Alarms; Counterterrorism Ops in Yesha Overnight, Molotovs, Stones Thrown at IDF

Diskin: IDF Counterterrorism [Operations in Yesha] Will Test [Gaza] Cease-Fire


“The true test of the current cease-fire will come after Israel’s security forces take action against Arab terror in Judea and Samaria. ‘It is tough to say how they will respond…if some terrorists are killed’ as part of operations, Diskin said.”

Color Red Sounds in Sderot; No Rockets Reported to Have Landed

Two False Alarms of Kassam Rocket Attacks

Israel Allows Food Into Gaza

IDF Counterterror Nets Nine Overnight [in Several Operations Throughout Judea and Samaria] read more
