Shalom Friends;
This week, our Parshat HaShevua — Parshat Shemos is being sponsored by R’ Dr. Pinchas and P’nina Klahr of Ramat Beit Shemesh dedicated lilui nishmas Pinchas’ parents: Nosson Karpel ben Shmuel Zanvil Tzvi and Pessia Toiba bat Rav Yehuda Dov and Penina’s dad – Rav Matisyohu ben Rav Yaakov (Weisenberg), continued refuah Sheima for Itamar Chaim ben Tzipporah as well as for the safe return of all Chayalim — physically, mentally and spiritually and for the Liberation of all remaining hostages and for Kol Klal Yisrael. To Mishpochat Klahr, many thanks for your sponsorship and your kindnesses through the years.