Regime Agenda Spins: The Absence (??) of Terror Attacks


One could or would think, from the pro-longed absence of war-like news, that “peace(sic)” is breaking out all over as terrorist-captive swaps dominate the news. Think again!! The lack of news (or possible news censorship) could all be spin-based! MB

IDF Arrests Eight Palestinians Overnight

Bus Stoned in Hevron

Sunday War News;

Arabs Throw Rocks at Car Near Shechem

Gaza: Mortars Overnight, Calm By Day

Palestinians Throw Molotov Cocktail at Car Near Ramallah; No Wounded read more


Parsha Chukas 5768: Tefillot for Tikkun: Generational Demarcation Point?

by Moshe Burt

The placement in Torah of our Parsha Chukat and the Parah Adumah raises questions as to why the Parah Adumah and it’s Halachot are mentioned here in our Parsha; only after Korach’s rebellion and after the continued murmuring of the Am against Moshe Rabbeinu, and after the plague which killed thousands only ending with Aaron’s carrying an incense pan amongst the people (upon Moshe’s instruction), and after the story of the rods.

“Rabbi Artscroll” presents one answer to the question of placement in a commentary in The Stone Chumash on the words at the beginning of our Parsha “…el Moshe, v’el Aaron” [1] The answer speaks of the symbolism of the Parah Adumah (the Red Heiffer) coming to atone for the sin of the Eigel Zahav (the Golden Calf) “… as if to say let the Mother come and clean up the mess left by her child…” read more


Friday, Shabbos War News: Mortars Fall Near Karni As Regime Appeases by Opening Gaza Crossings; Arabs Stone Drivers on Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Hwy; Islamics Attack Hikers in Galilee’s Nachal Tsipori


Thursday War News: More “Truce” Violations Of Kassams, Smuggling Tunnels, Israeli Government… ?; Vehicle Damaged by Stoning Near Ramallah, 7 Terrorists Nabbed


Why I Can’t Change My Facebook Picture to Shalit’s



Although I want to see kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit freed, back in Israel with his parents, relatives and friends, and pray for it on ever occasion, I have a real big problem with the proliferation of Shalit pictures being posted to profiles on Facebook, MySpace and other social networking sites.

The problem I have is surely not with the act itself which I sincerely believe to be a genuine, sincere grassroots display of unity with and love for a a Jewish brother.

My problem is with the perception and message of these pictures alongside the Israeli government’s actions and mindset of appeasement, equivocation, lack of honor. read more


Wednesday War News: Response to “Truce” Violations: Crossings Remain Closed; Diskin: Swap of Prisoners for Dead Captives Will Risks Schalit’s Life; Stonings and Bombings of IDF, Civilians in Yesha, 8 Terrorists Nabbed

2 Wounded in [Tuesday] Afternoon Kassam Attack (Update)

[Regime Response to Truce Violations] Barak Orders Border Crossings to Remain Closed in Response to Kassams

‘Swapping Live Prisoners for Dead Reservists Will Risk Schalit’s Life’


“Diskin: …If such a prisoner swap is carried out, Schalit’s captors would feel free to kill him, safe in the knowledge that Israel would still agree to a deal for his dead body.”

Related reports;

Why Samir Kuntar Mustn’t Go Home, by Judy Montagu (Jerusalem Post) read more


Gaza Arabs’ “Gross Violation” of Truce; Israel’s Response?



The inevitable has occurred. The “truce” lasted but 4 days and was broken first on Monday night by the launching of a mortar followed by four Kassams bombarding the Western Negev late this afternoon.

Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA (Independent Media Research and Analysis) noted;

The Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement that “the prime minister has warned that the ceasefire could be short and fragile. Israel warned against a violation of the understandings, and will weigh its options following the rocket fire.” read more


Tuesday War News: CEASE-FIRE VIOLATED as Mortar Shell Hits Negev, IDF Not to Shoot Terrorists Next to Gaza Fence; Islamic Jihad Terrorists Killed by IDF Near Jenin, Shechem, 8 Terrorists Nabbed, Arab Rams Police Car Injuring 7 Police

Mortar Shell Hits Western Negev Despite Ceasefire [Regime Silent]

Full Text;

“A mortar shell fired from the Gaza Strip landed in the western Negev despite the recent ceasefire agreement signed by Israel and armed Palestinian groups in Gaza. No injuries or damage were reported.”

Related report; Terrorists Break Ceasefire, Mortar Shell Hits Negev

IDF: Don’t Shoot at Armed Terrorists Operating Next to Gaza Fence, by Dr. Aaron Lerner IMRA

“This last paragraph… does not appear in the English version [of Haaretz].”
read more


Sunday, Monday War News: IDF Counterterrorism Ops in Yesha Test Gaza Truce, Color Red False Alarms; Counterterrorism Ops in Yesha Overnight, Molotovs, Stones Thrown at IDF

Diskin: IDF Counterterrorism [Operations in Yesha] Will Test [Gaza] Cease-Fire


“The true test of the current cease-fire will come after Israel’s security forces take action against Arab terror in Judea and Samaria. ‘It is tough to say how they will respond…if some terrorists are killed’ as part of operations, Diskin said.”

Color Red Sounds in Sderot; No Rockets Reported to Have Landed

Two False Alarms of Kassam Rocket Attacks

Israel Allows Food Into Gaza

IDF Counterterror Nets Nine Overnight [in Several Operations Throughout Judea and Samaria] read more


Parsha Korach 5768: National Responsibility vs Protexia and Political Self-Interest


by Moshe Burt

This Parsha HaShevua may seem to the reader a continuation of Parsha Shelach. This is done by intention because it seems very much as if Korach and his attempted power grab is a logical aftermath of the denial of Eetz Yisrael by 10 of the 12 miraglim (spies).

The Sefer “Torah Gems” by Aharon Yaakov Greenberg states the following thought; “Now took Korach…”; that Korach was blessed with many positive attributes: fine lineage, wisdom, qualities worthy of a leader of B’nai Yisrael. “‘Now took Korach — he took himself.’ He did not wait until he was offered the leadership, but he sought to take it by force. That is why he is not worthy of it.” (Torah Gems, by Aharon Yaakov Greenberg, Parsha Korach, Volume 3, page 79.) read more
