Evelyn Gordon writes about the shambles in which Israel’s military deterrence was left as a result of Israeli citizens being evicted from Gaza and as a result of the failed Lebanon conflict and the abortive Security Council Resolution 1701.
Gordon cites Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a Hamas leader in the “West Bank,” who stated;
“Members of the Israeli “peace camp,” those who spoke about ending the occupation and withdrawing, pushed us forward in our decision to continue the suicide attacks,” he said. “The cracks in your steadfastness encouraged us greatly and proved that this method is very effective. Ariel Sharon’s plan for disengagement from the Gaza Strip was also a great achievement that resulted from our activities. For us, one of the best proofs of the rift that suicide attacks had created in Israeli society was the phenomenon of refusal to serve in the army. We thought this rift should be deepened, and use of the suicide bomber weapon became a matter of consensus in our organization.” read more