Sunday War News: Kassam Rocket Hits Eshkol Region; Lebanese: Hezbollah Violating 1701; Cabinet Approves Release of 200 Terrorists as Terrorist Re-Arrested for Shooting at IDF


Israel, the US and Russia’s War on Georgia


Caroline Glick dispels the dangerous, outrageous myth promulgated and inculcated by successive Israeli governments unto the governed that Western or UN forces “will unburden the country of the need to protect itself.” Those of us, however, who pay close attention to history recognize Israel’s founding doctrine that “international legitimacy, peace treaties, alliances and common interests only matter in the presence of the hard power of military force” is as valid today as when Ben-Gurion conceived it. MB read more


Parsha Eikev 5768: Meriting Eretz Yisrael

by Moshe Burt

Parsha Eikev is equated in terms of one’s being attentive to the little Mitzvot; the details, the Mitzvot that one tends to overlook, to ignore, to tread one’s heels on in the mad dash, but without which the Jewish people would lack the merit which sets us apart from common man. The little mitzvot, the small details are the ones epitomized by V’Ahavtah L’re’echa Komocha — caring for your fellow Jew as for yourself.

And so, we find Parsha Eikev placed on the heels of the end of Parsha Vaetchanan’s teachings regarding tefillin and mezuzah. read more


Friday War News: Another Gaza Mortar Fired at Israel, Terrorists Boast ‘Nasser-4’ Rocket Says Can Reach Ashdod; 11 Terrorists Nabbed

Terrorists Fire Mortar at Gaza Belt Kibbutz

PRC Unveils New ‘Nasser-4’ Rocket it Says Can Reach Ashdod

“The organization claimed that the rocket was far more lethal than the current ‘Nasser-3’ model. The group said that it would launch the new rockets at Israel if Israel attempted to reoccupy Gaza.”

IDF Troops Arrest 11 Palestinian Terror Suspects [Near Bethlehem, Hevron, Ramallah]


Thursday War News: Barak Distances From Gaza Invasion as Mortar Shell Fired at Israel, as Terrorists Build 16-Mile Range Rockets; 3 Shechem Arabs Nabbed With M-16, Tanzim Chief Nabbed, Israeli Woman Injured in Firebombing, Armed Man Shot Infiltrating in Golan From Syria


Israeli Political Protexia: Ignoring Failure in Gaza


Below is Caroline Glick’s scathing indictment of Israel’s current governance, from Ehud Olmert, to Tzipi Livni, to Ehud Barak and beyond. This commentary is essentially echoed and bolstered by Evelyn Gordon whose commentary is found below under Related reports. MB

Ignoring Failure in Gaza, by Caroline Glick (Jerusalem Post)

“His [Sharon’s] incapacitation itself made discussing the failure of the withdrawal somehow unseemly…. ‘How dare you add insult to injury’ by noting that his most significant action while in power imperiled the country? …Not only Sharon, but all his supporters in his government, were immunized from criticism and the need to account for their strategic imbecility.” read more


Barak, Mofaz vs Livni: Welcome to the WWF, Israel-Style



This author is no fan of either Ehud Barak or Shaul “One Foot Out the Door” Mofaz. But Mofaz is totally right regarding Livni, the Mossad House-sitter. She’s a lightweight contesting for a job way over her head and way over her intellectual and moral capability to perform.

Consider these comments by Mofaz, Barak and Livni in Gil Hoffman’s JPost report;

“Security does not mean just being a military man,” Livni told the Web site. “It’s looking beyond and evaluating a situation while taking into account regional, socioeconomic, and military processes, preparing systems and using good sense and judgment that is not based on familiarity with just one field. It means asking the right questions and finding solutions to problems. That’s what is required in a leader.” read more


Recent War News: Barak Backs Off of, Discounts Gaza Op Despite More “Truce” Violations, IDF Nabs 4 Attempting Infiltration From Gaza, 200 Shelters for Gaza Border Towns; IDF Nabs 8 Terrorists
