Tuesday War News; Arab Rock Attacks Near Yitzhar, Shechem, Hezbollah, PA Plot to Kidnap Jews, 7 Terrorists Nabbed, IDF Fires on Molotov Wielding Islamics — Nab 2, Arab Stabs Chayal Near Ma’aleh Adumim
Two Wounded as Palestinians Attack Israelis With Rocks Near Yitzhar
Rock Attack Near Shechem, 2 Injured
Hezbollah, PA Terrorists Team Up in Egypt [to Kidnap Israelis], by Hana Levi Julian (Israel National News)
Seven Terrorists Arrested [in Jenin, Ramallah, Bethlehem and Hevron]
IDF Troops Open Fire Towards Molotov Cocktail Wielding Palestinians [Near Beit El]
Related report; Joint Ambush Catches Two Terrorists in the Act, by Hillel Fendel (Israel National News)
IDF Intel Chief: Hezbollah Wants to Down an Israeli Plane, by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz (Israel National News)
Monday War News: Kassam Hits Sderot, Causes Fire; IDF Nabs Potassium Nitrate, 4 Terrorists Nabbed, Arabs Stone Bus Near Beit Haggai
Sunday War News: Firebomb Attacks in Beit El, Stabbing Terrorist Not Fired On — “Unarmed”(sic), 2 Terrorists Nabbed, Terrorists Toss Rocks at Highway 6
Parsha Ki Tavo — The Scales of a Mitzvah (Not Mets vs Phillies)
Parsha Ki Tavo continues in the same theme track with last week’s Parsha Ki Teitzei, as well as the string of previous Parshiyot in discussing Mitzvot which teach kindness, compassion and attentiveness to others.
Ki Tavo begins with the Halachot of Bikkurim — the first fruits which were brought to the Kohen as both thanksgiving and rememberance of Pharaoh’s cruelty and Hashem’s deliverance of B’nai Yisrael from Mitzrayim to a land flowing with milk and honey. Our Parsha then enunciates the laws concerning Ma’aser and it’s declaration regarding the required tithes.
Friday, Shabbos War News: Gaza Explosive Ignites by IDF Patrol Near Kissufim; Terrorist Torches Homes in Yitzhar — Stabs Boy, Left, Arabs Riot at Na’alin, Israel Agrees on Return of 20,000 Refugees?, 15 Illegals Nabbed at Fence, 5 Roadblocks Removed for Arab ‘Fabric of Life’
Explosive Device Blows Up Near IDF Patrol [Near Kissufim Crossing]; None Wounded
PA Terrorist Stabs 9 Yr Old Boy in Yitzhar
Related report; IDF Takes Guns Away from Two Yitzhar Residents
“The terrorist had set fire to one house, whose residents had left for the Sabbath, and began to torch a second building when the boy spotted him and called for help. The boy suffered light wounds when the terrorists stabbed him and escaped.”
Peaceful Jewish Demonstration Becomes Angry Arab Riot at Na’alin
Have Israelis Forgotten Biblical Jerusalem?
Noted Philadelphia Jewish activist Moshe Phillips writes about the erroneous term “East Jerusalem” noting that it is this designated place which is referred to in Torah, in Chumash as Jerusalem, i.e. “If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem…”
Also assembled are a number of related articles and commentaries on Jerusalem and the rush of Israeli governance to divide it. MB
If I Forget Thee, East Jerusalem, by Moshe Phillips (Israel National News)
Full Text;
My heart is in the east….” – Rabbi Yehuda Halevi (1075-1141)
Thursday War News: Islamics Toss Molotov at IDF, 11 Terrorists Nabbed in IDF Operations, 100 Arabs Maraud at Yitzhar, IDF Finds Explosive Charge in Jenin
Tuesday, Wednesday War News: 14 Terrorists Nabbed in 2 Day Operations, Islamic Sprays Acid at IDF Soldier, Golan Demilitarization — ‘Problematic, Unreasonable’
IDF Arrests Four Wanted Terrorists [West of Bethlehem, Hevron and in Dura, Southwest of Hevron]
Palestinian Sprays Acid on Face of IDF Soldier at Hawari Checkpoint
Giora Eiland: Has Israel Determined Can Retake Golan in Emergency or that War From Hula Valley Acceptable?, by Dr. Aaron Lerner (IMRA)