
Caroline Glick is right in bemoaning Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu’s pre-occupation with in the media for bringing Moshe Feiglin and Manhigut Yehudit down rather than distinguishing the differences between a Likud slate top-heavy with principled, common sense candidates for Knesset and the too tired to fight, too tired to win destructo “delusional and defeatist Kadima and Labor parties.”
However, the amount of ink spilled in Glick’s attempt to portray Moshe Feiglin and Manhigut Yehudit as “minor players” actually betrays the extent of Feiglin’s true strength in the party and his arrival in “the Big Leagues.” He received some 12,000 votes out of 50,000, the candidates he endorsed won 7 of the top 12 slots and 10 of the first 20 slots and 7 out of the 2nd 20 slots on the Likud list and his co-founder of Manhigut Yehudit Shmuel Sackett didn’t make a regional candidate slot despite receiving 10,000 votes in his region.