Friday, Shabbos War News: While Barak Flushed With “Success” at Deception Tossing Jews Out of Peace House, South Israel Bombarded With Arab Kassams, Grads, Mortars


Peace House Eviction: “Shame on us, the Public, for Not Raising… to Prevent it.”


Michael Freund comments on today’s Yassamnik/IDF violent eviction of Jews from their Beit HaShalom homes;

Treachery and Tyranny in Hebron, by Michael Freund (Israel National News)

“The Labor party and Kadima are both sagging in the polls, and fear that parties such as Meretz will steal their thunder and their votes.

It was an act of treachery and tyranny by a caretaker government with no mandate and no moral justification.”

Full Text;

Israel’s government today sent the security forces into Beit Shalom in Hebron and forcibly evicted its residents, despite overwhelming evidence that the building was legally purchased from its previous Arab owner. read more


Violent Police/IDF Eviction Taking Place This Very Moment



The police and military violence and perversity of the politically self-interested Olmert-Barak-Livni Troika against Jews, against Torah is without limit. MB

Evacuation Under Way in Hebron as Police Arrive En Masse, by Tovah Lazaroff, Yaakov Katz (Jerusalem Post)


At another point during the clashes, security forces began to push protesters down a small hill into the main road using large sticks.

Gov’t Talks in Morning, Evicts Violently in Afternoon, by Hillel Fendel (Israel National News) read more


Call for Anshe Chabad to Speak Out on Pollard Clemency


These two items hit my email log on Monday and Tuesday and on Wednesday, I started connecting dots.

Rabbi Nahman Holtzberg, father of slain Mumbai Shaliach Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg z’l penned a letter to Olmert pleading that they not evict the Jews from Beit HaShalom. (Monday, 1 Dec 2008)

President Bush penned a condolence letter to the “Chabad-Lubavitch movement.” (Tuesday, 2 Dec., 2008)

Firstly, that Rabbi Nahman Holtzberg, amidst his mourning, saw it urgent and important enough to plead on behalf of his fellow Jews at Beit HaShalom and that the Israeli media — Yediyiot Achronot saw fit to print the letter despite it’s anti-religious, anti-land agenda. read more


Thursday War/Beit HaShalom News: Continued Regime Preoccupation with Beit HaShalom Eviction Attempt as More Kassams, Mortars Fall On Negev and Fatah Terrorists, Pardoned by Olmert, Plotted Attempted Tel Aviv Bombing

Defense Minister Declares: Hebron House to be Evacuated, by Tovah Lazaroff, Yaakov Katz (Jerusalem Post)


Barak: “Inhabitants of Beit Hashalom must abide by the law and evacuate the house as instructed by an existing court ruling while simultaneously going to a hastened court proceeding over the future of the house.”


But the high court ruling said nothing about mandating “evacuation.” MB

In Chutz L’Aretz; Please call your local Israeli Embassy or Consulate – NOW!!! read more


Wednesday War/Peace House News: Gaza Rockets, Mortars Fired on Israel, Terrorist Injured in Rocket Misfire, Arabs Stone Jewish Cars as IDF Nabs 14 Terrorists; Peace House Supporters Block Junction, Druze Appeal To Ashkenazi — No IDF to Expel Jews, ZOA Opens Peace House Office


This author was told this morning in Shul that more Police shock troops (Yassamnikim) are enroute to Hevron to the Beit HaShalom area. The illegitimate Olmert, Barak, Livni regime is singularly focused only on evicting Jews, to the abject neglect of all else, as more rockets and mortars stream down on Negev communities and Arabs stone Jews cars throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

A subsequent email received says, as follows;

If you have any way to get over to Bet HaShalom now, it seems that now is the time (10 AM). read more


Tuesday PM War News: While Yassam Prepares Eviction Attempt at Beit HaShalom, Kassam, Mortars From Gaza, IAF Strikes Back

Email Received from Hevron:

Thanks to the hundreds who came to Bet HaShalom yesterday, the evil decree of expulsion which had been scheduled to take place at 4:30AM, was prevented.

Everyone is being urged to come immediately and be present to prevent the expulsion from taking place tonight.


In Chutz L’Aretz; Please call your local Israeli Embassy or Consulate NOW!!!

Kassam Lands in Eshkol Farmland; No Wounded

Update: Six Mortar Shells Fired at Security Fence read more


Kadima/Labor Political Rhetoric of de-Legitimizing, de-Humanizing of Jews


Amidst his mourning over the loss of his son and daughter-in-law in last week’s Mumbai Chabad House terror attack, Rabbi Nachman Holtzberg issued an urgent plea to outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to stop plans to expel the Jewish residents of the Hevron Peace House.

In his plea, Rabbi Holtzberg beseeched Olmert;

“At the same time we are mourning for our dear children…who merited in their lives and in their deaths to bring wonderful unity to the People of Israel and to bring everyone closer in love and truth, and who were sacrificed on the holy altar of the Almighty before the eyes of every nation, …we plead in every way possible that you not carry out any action that will polarize and cause a schism to the People of Israel, that would cause in the time of mourning of all the People of Israel.” read more


Tuesday War News: Kassams, Molotovs, Islamic Jihadi Terrorists Behind Mumbai Chabad House Attack; 10 Terrorists Nabbed, Fatah Terror-Returnee Offed by IDF, Regime Still Preoccupied With Beit HaShalom, Hilltop Youth


Is This the Coming Showdown at Beit HaShalom?



This author began receiving emails this morning and reports have continued with this most recent email;

More and more security forces and Border Police are now flowing to Hevron

There is certainly great reason to worry that the authorities are planning the expulsion from Bet Hashalom tonight.


Please come and help prevent another expulsion of Jews from their home.



Meanwhile, this report has appeared in Israel National News; read more
