Moshe Feiglin: Getting a lot of Ink for a “Minor Player” in Likud



Caroline Glick is right in bemoaning Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu’s pre-occupation with in the media for bringing Moshe Feiglin and Manhigut Yehudit down rather than distinguishing the differences between a Likud slate top-heavy with principled, common sense candidates for Knesset and the too tired to fight, too tired to win destructo “delusional and defeatist Kadima and Labor parties.”

However, the amount of ink spilled in Glick’s attempt to portray Moshe Feiglin and Manhigut Yehudit as “minor players” actually betrays the extent of Feiglin’s true strength in the party and his arrival in “the Big Leagues.” He received some 12,000 votes out of 50,000, the candidates he endorsed won 7 of the top 12 slots and 10 of the first 20 slots and 7 out of the 2nd 20 slots on the Likud list and his co-founder of Manhigut Yehudit Shmuel Sackett didn’t make a regional candidate slot despite receiving 10,000 votes in his region. read more


Parsha Vayeishev 5769: Yosef and the Brothers’ False Perceptions


by, Moshe Burt

A few years ago, just before Chanukah, a short article appeared on the INN website entitled; “Mortar Shells Filled With Chanukah Light” told about the Menorah made from some of the spent Islamic mortal shells which were launched on Neve Dekalim over the years.

Reading about this special Menorah which was lit at one of the Jerusalem hotels which temporarily housed many former Neve Dekalim residents, took me back in time to Philadelphia, in “the “old country” and to a point made by Rav Yehoshua Kaganoff about the pit in which Yosef was thrown. The point bears repeating. read more


Friday War News: Bibi’s War on Feiglin and Jews; Gaza Mortars Fall in Negev, 3 Arabs Nabbed Infiltrating from Gaza; 11 Terrorists Nabbed, 6 Islamics Nabbed for Attacking Jewish Girl, Arab Found With Weapons Cache Near Ma’arat HaMachpela, Arabs Stone Jewish Car Near Hevron



While Bibi is preoccupied, above all else, with dumping Feiglin and other principled Likud Candidates lower and lower on Likud’s list and making his latest absurd revisions, there is a two front war going on — the Arab/Islamic external war to annihilate us, as shown below, and the Bibi, Olmert, Livni, Barak war on Torah and Yiddishkiet. Bibi is showing himself easily as incompetent and unqualified to lead, if not more so, than are the Kadima/Labor troika. MB read more


Bibi and Likud Primaries: Referendum2 — “Lavan Broke His Agreement with Yaakov 100 Times…”


In last week’s Parsha Vayeitzei, Yaakov tells his wives Rachel and Leah;

…Your father mocked me and changed my wage a hundred times, but Hashem did not permit him to harm me.” (Sefer Breish’t, Perek 31, posuk 7)

And like Lavan, Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu has subjected Moshe Feiglin, Manhigut Yehudit and Likud voters to repeated Lavan-like changes to the rules, both before primary day and now after.

Feiglin: The Voters have Spoken [And Again the Voter’s Will is Disrespected by Likud] read more


Thursday War News: The External Enemy and the Enemy Within, The News The Regime and JPost Don’t Want You to Know


Not one of these reports has been carried in the Jerusalem Post, not on their front page nor on their headlines page. In fact, the jerusalem Post seems to be fostering the Olmert regime’s total blackout on Gaza policy.

Instead, the Olmert, Barak, Livni troika throw monetary transfers at Gaza rewarding Rocket and mortar attacks on Jews and financing more weapons ammo, smuggling and terror. Meanwhile, the abandoned soldier Gilad Shalit remains kidnapped and imprisoned while the rationalization; Livni On Shalit: Not Every Soldier Comes Home. And so too, they have left the MIAs Ron Arad, Zachary Baumel and the others to rot and die, and so they have abandoned another soldier Jonathan Pollard to American imprisonment. MB read more


Tuesday War News: Rocket, Mortar Shell Attacks From Gaza; Rock Attacks Near Bethlehem, Halhoul, IDF Nabs Terrorist Near Hevron; Iran’s Long Range Missile Fleet Tripled


Fateful Likud Primaries: Israel — Jewish State or State of all its People?



Today’s Likud primary, coming as it is on the heels of the leftist Olmert-Barak-Livni regime’s recent pogrom at the Federman-Tor farm and last Thursday’s pogrom at Beit HaShalom (both at strategic positions between Kiryat Arba and Hevron), constitute a battle for both the Jewish soul and the Likud political, social and diplomatic soul.

The contest is easily as stark in it’s contrasts as these pictures below;

And Benjamin Netanyahu is by no means immune from the tyranny of the current leftist regime, proclaiming on Sunday about those who were living in Beit HaShalom and those who protested against the eviction by their presence; read more


Asking Olmert-Barak-Livni: Who’s Their Real Enemy — Jews or Arabs?


Ashkelon Head: Barak Prefers Jewish Targets Over Gaza Terrorists, by Hana Levi Julian (Israel National News)


“Barak has not acted with the same determination against Gaza terrorists who launch rocket attacks on the south of Israel as he did last week against Jewish residents and activists in the Hevron Peace House.”

Palestinians Fire Three Kassam Rockets at [Western Negev] Israel; No Wounded or Damage

Kassam Lands in Open Area in Eshkol Region; No Casualties read more
