Add Two More Alleged Scandals to “The Family” Repertoire!

As stated in an earlier headline, a lot of questions need to asked regarding Omri Sharon’s role in the “National Responsibility” party, in the aftermath of his recent conviction regarding illegal political contributions.

This is discussed at length in a previous entry.

Another issue which needs to be aired clearly is the possible role played by Arik Sharon in the appointment in 1985 to Likud’s Security committee of admitted CIA spy Angie Kielcynski, (aka Yosef Barak) and what role Sharon might have played, along with Kielcynski, in Pollard’s arrest, trial and continued incarceration. read more


More on Kojak Omri’s Conviction …

Even if Convicted, Omri May Not Have to Resign from Knesset


“‘Due to the fact that determining whether an offense constitutes a crime of moral turpitude is an integral part of the ruling, the verdict handed down against the defendant cannot be seen as a final ruling,’ says criminal law expert Prof. Emanuel Gross. ‘A defendant can appeal just the issue of the turpitude, since this ruling is an essential part of the verdict. In other words, the issue of the turpitude must become final, and pending a final ruling on the matter of the turpitude, the lawmaker’s term in office cannot be terminated.'” read more


Parsha HaShavua — Lech Lecha 5766

Parsha Lech Lecha 5766: Aliyah — To The Jewish Big Leagues
By Moshe Burt

“Hashem said to Avram, Go for yourself from your land … to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation…” (Breish’t, Perek 12, posukim 1 & 2) I call this the “Aliyah Parsha.”

Rashi writes on the posukim, “For your benefit and good. It is there that I will make you a great nation …” (Rashi on Breish’t, Perek 12, posuk 1)

Sefat Emet asks, “if G’d himself promised … that the move would be for his good and his benefit, why should this have been such a great test?” It seems that it was exactly because of Hashem’s promise to him that the test was of greater magnitude because when Avram actually went, he did so “as Hashem had spoken to him.” (Breish’t Perek 12, posuk 4) “In other words, he went purely because he had been told to do so by G’d, without any intention of deriving any benefit from his actions. The test … was whether, after all of these promises. he would still be able to fulfill G’d’s will without even the hint of any desire for any benefit for himself.” (Word and quotes attributed to Sefat Emet, Torah Gems, Aharon Yaakov Greenberg, Parsha Lech Lecha, pge 97) read more


Parsha HaShevua — Parsha No’ach 5766

Parsha No’ach 5766: The Lesson of Expulsion, Learning that “Line of
Gemora” and Reaching Beyond

by Moshe Burt

Had an interesting conversation at Night Seder the other night with a friend from Shul.

While talking with me about the Matzav we all face, he drew a contrast between himself and me. Being a musician, he asked me if I knew how to read a musical score. I said no. He complimented me at being so good at what I do; activism, fighting for Eretz Yisrael, understanding the “politics”, etc. read more


In Succahs, but Still Homeless

Double Meaning of Sukkot For Expulsion Victims

The government of Israel is still deliberately foot-dragging and denying the Jewish refugee families (that they forcibly expelled at legalized gunpoint from Gush Katif and the Shomron) compensation and resettlement solutions. The government’s aim: to deliberately fight a war of attrition against the refugees in effort to force them to split up, to divide and conquer, thus destroying productive Torah communities. And many refugees are starting to draw parallels between their plight and the ongoing 20 plus year plight of Jonathan Pollard. read more
