Monday War News: Operation Cast Lead — Day 10 — Will Israeli Government Squander Possible IDF Achievements?



IMRA’s Dr. Aaron Lerner notes that the current regime, the Olmert, Livni, Barak Troika are aiming to emulate, in Gaza, the Lebanon cease-fire model which columnist Caroline Glick recently described.

Dr. Lerner cites Roni Sofer’s report; Israel Examining International Treaty to Isolate Hamas which follows up his (Sofer’s) report of Sunday, noted on this blog, where he lists Olmert’s conditions to end the conflict.

Lerner comments;

There is a fairly straightforward explanation for PM Olmert’s interest in an international force: The Olmert-Livni team adamantly claims that the Second Lebanon War was a fantastic success because it concluded with the introduction of the grossly ineffective international force…. They thus see their reputations tied to the validity of using international forces. read more


Sunday War News UPDATE: Operation Cast Lead — Day 9 — First IDF Fatality on Ground, 34 Others Wounded as Hamas Command-and-Control Disrupted



The results of the first day on the ground show that Operation Cast Lead will be anything but a cake-walk. Israel lost her first ground fatality;

St.-Sgt. Dvir Emmanueloff, 22, from Givat Ze’ev and of the Golani reconnaissance unit, was killed on Sunday by mortar shell shrapnel during clashes with Hamas terrorists near Jabalya.

Meanwhile, Ynet’s Roni Sofer reports Olmert’s comments to Tony Blair, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev regarding the goals of the operation. These comments leave more questions than they answered. read more


Parsha Vayechi 5769: The End of Corruption = Assent of Jewish Morality, Values


by Moshe Burt

This author recalls a commentary by the K’li Yekar (Judiaca Press Chumash, Vol.3, page 600) on the first posuk of Parsha Vayechi which is leyned this Shabbos.

The K’li Yekar explains the lack of a space between the end of the previous sedra Vayigash and our parsha as meaning that the two poskim are understood together. The final verse of Vayigash reads;

And Yisrael dwelt in the land of Mitzriyim in the land of Goshen, and they acquired property in it and… multiplied greatly. read more


Shabbos War News: Operation Cast Lead — Day 8 — Ground War Commences Amidst Continued Rocket Bombardment



IDF ground action in Gaza commenced Motsei Shabbos after troops began firing artillery at Gaza targets. Are Cast Lead’s goals the destruction and eradication of Hamas or merely a “dream world” concept of “restored security” and disabusal of Hamas from terror attacks either via rockets or mortars or any other mode of attack? Will it be “a war to the bitter end”? Or is this a high-stakes stinking political maneuver with the lives of both Jewish troops and a major urban section of Israel with a collective population of approximately 800,000 on the line? And what about the freeing of Gilad Shalit? read more


“Dad, What’s a Killer-meter?”

Received the email below from Lema’an Achai’s David Morris;

“Dad, What’s a Killer-meter?”

Here in Israel, innocent sounding measurements of distance, have turned into death threats.

  • One killermeter (km) is the distance/range from a Hamas Sniper in the Gaza strip, firing at the Israeli farmer working in the fields of
    Kibbutz Nahal Oz.
  • 2 km is from the Hamas mortars (“Patzmarim”) to Israeli families in the town of Sderot (time of flight/warning to take cover: 15 seconds).
  • 8 km is from the Hamas rocket launchers (“Kassamim”) to the 110,000 battered residents of the City of Ashkelon
  • 20 km is from the Hamas missile launchers (“Ketushas”) to the Town of Kiryat Malachi
  • 40 km is from the Hamas enhanced missiles (“Gradim”) to the bunkered-down towns of Ashdod, Beersheba and Kiryat Gat (one minute warning, to take cover or be blown up)
  • 44 km is where a “Grad’ Missile has to reach, to hit my home, the kids’ school, our shul – to hit me at this desk, here in Bet Shemesh.

My home is located a half-liter of rocket-fuel away from the bombed
out sites throughout the South of Israel.

It puts our community in the position of being close enough to be
fearful that “we’re next”, while giving us the tremendous opportunity
to bring help to our brothers and sisters now under missile-fire, who
are living in bomb shelters, or risking their very lives to go out to
get a bottle of milk….just a five minute drive from us. read more


Friday War News: Operation Cast Lead — Day 7 — “Humanitarian Shipments,” Open Crossing, Smuggling Tunnels Enabled Hamas Weapons Stockpile — Israel Allows 72 Trucks With “Humanitarian Aid”



The necessity of an operation like Cast Lead, now in its 7th day, came about through Israel’s misguided sense of morality: “merciful to the cruel, cruel to the merciful” which distinguishes an enemy’s “civilian population” from the operatives which hide, move about, launch rocket, mortar and sniper attacks from within the protection of “civilian human shields.” These “civilian human shields.” who by permitting and enabling missile launching and sniping operatives to use them, have established themselves as strategic weapons of warfare and thus constitute an integral part of an enemy military force. Cast Shield also came about as result of allowance of “Humanitarian Shipments” covering for weapons and ammunition deliveries as well as from past toleration of immense numbers of smuggling tunnels and from free passage of weaponry through an open crossing between Egypt and Gaza. All the while, the range of the smuggled-in, Chinese-made Grad – Katyusha rockets is a mere 7 km from Beit Shemesh. read more


Thursday War News: Operation Cast Lead — Day 6 — IAF Target-Kills of Senior Gaza Hamas Leader, Hamas’ Cellphone Warfare, Kassams, Grads Continue to Bombard Israel as IAF Bumps Up Air Strikes, Classes Cancelled in 40 KM Zone; Private Vehicles Denied Access to Kever Rachel, Molotov Attack Near Ariel, 15 Terrorists Nabbed


Wednesday War News Wrap-Up: Over 60 Rockets Hit Israel While Cast Lead Continues, Barak Extends ‘Special Situation’ Range Now at 40 KM, Regime Sends Former Gush Katif Residents in Nitzan Sewer Pipe “Shelters”


Another regime slap-down of former Gush Katif residents: Concrete Sewer Pipe Shelters??


There are those on the Right who hold that this Gaza ‘Cast Lead’ operation may just be all about politics and political edge merely 41 days before national elections.

And there are others on the Right who correctly assert that “those who forced Israel out of Gaza do not have the moral right to send our soldiers back there” and that “Israeli society must free itself of their despotic grip.” read more


Wednesday War News UPDATED: Beersheba Theaters, Cinemas, Public Events Closed Indefinitely as Bombardment Continues, Cabinet Nixes 48-Hour Cease Fire Proposal, Rocket Strikes Gedera for First Time, IAF Hits Back at Rocket Launchers


Wednesday War News: Operation Cast Lead — Day 5 – IDF Strikes 35 Hamas Targets but Terror Rocket Bombardment Continues Deeper into Israel Hitting Beersheva, Barak Takes Heat for Suggesting 48 Hour Suspension; IDF Nabs 24 Terrorists
