Purim 5769: The Meaning of Purim, and the “New Jew”


By Moshe Burt

In writing a vort on Purim, this author thinks back to a theme addressed in an earlier Siyum on Mesechta Megillah from a few years ago as well as another recurring theme on this blog.

The Jew separates and distinguishes himself from the rest of the nations through the Mitzvah of Bris Milah, even though many of our contemporary Jewish brothers would distance themselves from, or stand in denial of their Yiddishkeit. In short, many among our Jewish brethren would deny Hashem’s control of the world and seek to tailor Torah and their Jewishness to fit the ways of the nations rather than accepting Hashem’s reishut (command) over the world. read more


Bibi and Likud Primaries: Referendum2 — “Lavan Broke His Agreement with Yaakov 100 Times…”


In last week’s Parsha Vayeitzei, Yaakov tells his wives Rachel and Leah;

…Your father mocked me and changed my wage a hundred times, but Hashem did not permit him to harm me.” (Sefer Breish’t, Perek 31, posuk 7)

And like Lavan, Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu has subjected Moshe Feiglin, Manhigut Yehudit and Likud voters to repeated Lavan-like changes to the rules, both before primary day and now after.

Feiglin: The Voters have Spoken [And Again the Voter’s Will is Disrespected by Likud] read more


Yom Kippur 5769: As Kohanim to the Jews; The Jews to Mankind

By Moshe Burt

The Mussaf portion of any prayers; Yom Tov, Rosh Chodesh, Shabbos represent the essence, the main point of that day.

On Yom Kippur, the essence of the service, the ikar is the avodah of the Kohen Godol. So much so is this the case that the Mussaf service centers around the order of the Kohen Godol’s service in the Kodosh Kodoshim (the Holy of Holies in the Beit HaMikdash). The service includes all of the preparations which the Kohen Godol makes prior to the service, the clothing he must wear at each step of the avodah, the number of times that the Kohen must bathe himself prior to each change of clothing and before each step of his service, the drawing of lots determining which goat is for Hashem and which for The Mountain of Azazel (the goat designated by lot to bear the burden of death to rectify B’nai Yisrael’s sins) and more. And by virtue of our being Hashem’s “most favored nation”, The Kohen Godol is to the Jews a paradigm of Hashem’s blueprint of what the Jews are to represent to the other nations of Mankind. read more


Israel’s Governance Expresses Gaza Expulsion Regrets; Itches for a Repeat


My Beit Knesset’s learning program has recently featured a 1 hour daily Torah Ulpan for learning conversational Iv’rit in a contect of learning the Rambam’s Hichos Teshuva.

During one of the first classes, we discussed the concept of sincere, honest, heart-felt regret of wrong-doing and the will to change one’s ways. This discussion brought to mind the contrast between sincere, honest, heart-felt regret of wrong-doing and superficial “regret.”

The recent expressions of regret by a female former soldier for her role in the expulsion, as stated in an email, contrasts with expressions by Israel’s governing leaders, i.e. words of former Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer who basically admits that the expulsion was a mistake, but who still “hopes Israel will leave territories as soon as possible.” read more


Devarim 5768: Learning, Jewish Ethics, Kiddush Hashem Applied Outside Beit Medrash Toward National Purpose


By Moshe Burt

A few years ago, Rav Aba Wagensberg spoke out in a shiur that Sefer Devarim represents Moshe Rabbeinu’s Mussar to B’nai Yisrael as the time of his death drew near.

He explained that near the end of Sefer BaMidbar, we began to see indications, via the story of Zelafchad’s daughters, Reuven and Gad’s desire to settle east of the Jordan, etc., that the B’nai Yisrael finally desired to accept Moshe Rabbeinu’s teachings and his Mussar which was meant to bring about the perfection of the Jewish people in emulation of the ways of Hashem as they were about to enter Eretz Yisrael. read more


BREAKING NEWS: Another Israeli-Arab City Employee Terrorizes Jerusalem in Bulldozer



We have no one to blame but ourselves, for “tolerating evil in the camp” while Israeli kablanim (builders) rake in windfall profits through employment of inordinately cheap Arab labor while Jewish unemployment rises.

Shifra Hoffman of Victims of Arab Terror noted, regarding the non-existence of a policy of not hiring Arabs; “We hold the government guilty of this attack for not implementing this policy.” MB

Sixteen Wounded in Copycat Bulldozer Attack in Jerusalem read more


Barak to Ashkelon Residents: Rockets, Not for Long


Barak to Ashkelon; “Any day now…”


More familiar hot air refrains, delaying tactics to avoid taking serious action. Been there, done that! We’ve heard it all before; countless times before. Barak’s comments to the residents of Ashkelon can be best summed up by the old American TV mortgage loan commercial which opens with an aged mortgage officer answering phone calls from anxious applicants with a no sense shared urgency response; “Any day now, any day now.” read more


Pesach 5768: Personal Framing of Yetziyot Mitzrayim


by Moshe Burt

Rav Chaim Zev Malinowitz spoke before Pesach saying that to truly feel Pesach, we need to put ourselves in a mindset of feeling the Yetziyot Mitzrayim as if we were there eating the Seder meal, the Korbon Pesach, the Matzah — the bread of affliction which was baked in haste because of the haste of departure from Mitzrayim. This author sat pondering this proposition in Shul before Ma’ariv welcoming Pesach and gave over these thoughts at the Pesach seder as well as during the day meal. read more


Shas: Playing for Olmert’s Funny-Money With Jerusalem On Line?



As we watch the time tick down to the 6 PM Wednesday release of the “final” Winograd report on the summer 2006 Lebanon conflict, there are three reports well worth reading for background as to whether or not the Winograd report will be the fatal blow to the Olmert regime’s continuance in power. Below are excerpts from each, but readers of this blog should read each report in total for possible perspectives in the days to come. Can Olmert be taken at his word? Is delaying Jerusalem until last placing it in a fait accompli situation? read more

An Army’s Ability to Instill a Government With Confidence and Courage


Journalist and author Uri Dan, of blessed memory, who was niftar one year ago, wrote the piece excerpted below commemorating the 30th anniversary of the rescue at Entebbe less than 6 months before passing away.

Dan’s assessment nearly 1 1/2 years ago seems as valid today as it seemed then, despite the Olmert regime’s fiasco in Lebanon and ongoing snafu regarding protection of the southern towns from Kassam, mortar and possible Katyusha bombardments and the rooting out and eliminating the terrorist threat. read more
