Parsha Vayigash 5767: Jewish Unity vs The Boiled Lobster

Parsha Vayigash 5767: Jewish Unity vs The Boiled Lobster

by, Moshe Burt

We leyned in the previous Parsha Mikeitz about the whole affair between Yosef and the brothers when they came to Mitzrayim to buy food and were accused by the Viceroy of being spies. We learned how after hearing their story and family history, the Viceroy demanded that they bring their youngest brother to him and incarcerated Shimon as insurance that the brothers would indeed return with Binyamin, their youngest brother. We learn that in the middle of Parsha Mikeitz, with the imprisonment of Shimon, the brothers recognized and attributed their predicament to the sin they had committed earlier by throwing Yosef into the pit and then selling him to the Mitzriyim. Yosef heard and understood their conversation and left their presence to cry silently. (Perek 42, posukim 21-24) read more


Parsha Chaye Sarah: Avraham’s Well Developed Attribute of Intuitive Perception…

Parsha Chaye Sarah: Avraham’s Well Developed Attribute of Intuitive Perception…

by Moshe Burt

There are two intriguing commentaries, each relating to a different posuk of Parsha Chaye Sarah, regarding the dialogue leading up to Avraham Aveinu’s acquistion of the Ma’arat HaMachpela for 400 shekels of silver from Efron the Hittite.

The first of the two posukim is spoken by Avraham and says, in part, “I will have given the money for the field; take it of me …” (Breish’it, Perek 23, posuk 13) read more

Parsha Vayeira 5767: Today’s Lessons of Sodom…

Parsha Vayeira 5767: Today’s Lessons of Sodom

By Moshe Burt

Our Parsha opens with Hashem, as we understand, visiting Avraham Aveinu on the 3rd day after Bris Milah, when Avraham was at the height of his pain following the circumcision, as Rashi indicates, “to inquire about his welfare.” (Metsuda Linear Chumash rendering of Rashi on Perek 18, posuk 1)

It’s not like Hashem needed to pay a visit to ascertain Avraham’s actual condition for, Hashem is the Creator, The Master, The Ruler over the world who knows and is aware of everything. And so we learn and gain insight from this first posuk as to the Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim; showing, caring, giving strength and encouragement to the ill by visiting and caring about them. read more


Dayenu — 5766; An Evil Regime vs Jewish Unity …

Dayenu — 5766; An Evil Regime vs Jewish Unity

By Moshe Burt

This year will mark eleven years, and my eighth Pesach in Eretz Yisrael, in which I have emailed, as it has become tradition with me from prior to my Aliyah, the rendition of Dayenu quoted from the book “Dear Brothers.” In each year, Dayenu holds a unique perspective, unlike the perspective of any previous year.

This theme of Dayenu is ever more timely now, this year in the days before Pesach 5766 here in Eretz Yisrael. Last year, an evil Israeli regime carried out a modern-day expulsion of 9,000 Jews from their homes in Gush Katif and the Shomron. Our worst fears came to fruition, our brothers were ousted from their homes at legalized gunpoint, robbed of all of their possessions and assets; the promised compensation not forthcoming — not then, not over the ensuing eight months, probably never. And during the recently completed campaign, the Jews were given a taste at Amona of what another evil regime led by the trial balloon man of the previous regime intends; they now boast of a replay of Gush Katif within 2 years — this time that 80,000 Jews will be ousted from their homes, with their property and assets stolen just as was previously done in Gush Katif and the 4 Shomron towns. And undoubtedly, if not stopped, the evil ones will move to oust Jews from other parts of Eretz Yisrael — Beit El, Shilo, Jerusalem’s Old City, etc. There would then be not contiguity between Jerusalem and Ma’alei Adumim, but rather Yudenrein. And soon we would be but a few enclaves hugging the sea. That is the reality of the term called “convergence”. read more

More on Kojak Omri’s Conviction …

Even if Convicted, Omri May Not Have to Resign from Knesset


“‘Due to the fact that determining whether an offense constitutes a crime of moral turpitude is an integral part of the ruling, the verdict handed down against the defendant cannot be seen as a final ruling,’ says criminal law expert Prof. Emanuel Gross. ‘A defendant can appeal just the issue of the turpitude, since this ruling is an essential part of the verdict. In other words, the issue of the turpitude must become final, and pending a final ruling on the matter of the turpitude, the lawmaker’s term in office cannot be terminated.'” read more
