Tekoa-Jerusalem Road Supporters Outsmart Border Police, Evade Police Stun Grenades …

Gush Etzion Protestors Dodge Police Stun Grenades, Skirt Barrier

Full Text;

Hundreds of demonstrators Friday morning dodged four stun grenades thrown by border police as they demonstrated on the east Gush Etzion-Jerusalem road that the military has closed to Jews. The two crowds from Har Homa to the north and Tekoa to the south managed to break through barbed wire barriers and meet each other on the road, where the normal travel time to the capital is eight minutes.

Residents have been forced to use the Efrat-Jerusalem tunnel highway, where travel time in the morning rush hour takes up to two hours, partly because of army checkpoints and construction for the separation barrier. read more


Fighting Olmert’s “Convergence”: Open the Tekoa-Jerusalem Road to Jews …

Nadia Matar Questioned Over Obstructing an Officer


Nadia Matar, co-chairwoman of the Women In Green grassroots movement, was questioned by Gush Etzion police today, after officers turned up at her home with an interrogation order. Matar was accused of taking part in an illegal gathering and of interfering with an officer of the law carrying out his duties. Matar refused to cooperate with her interrogators, claimed she was innocent and called the police orders “Bolshevik persecution”. read more

Tuesday, Wednesday War News: Islamic Terror Continues, but Barak’s IDF Keeps Ousting Jews, Removing Roadblocks, Easing Restrictions on Arabs


Monday War News: Gaza Rocket Bombardments, Hamas Rockets Can Reach Ashdod, Kiryat Gat; Stonings, Terrorist Arrests, Pardon Terms Broken by Terrorist


Jewish Hero: Still in Need of Assistance

A month and a half ago, this blog posted a piece; You Can Help a Jewish Hero.

Miro Cohen, the Security Officer for Tekoa who has been assessed legal fees by the Judge of Civil Court relating to his self-defense actions in a terror attack upon him 16 years ago by Arabs with rocks and boulders on the road to Tekoa, is still $6,000 short of the some 90,000 NIS ($25,000) to close his file.

You can still help this Jewish hero to close a long and harrowing chapter and to get on with living his life. read more


You Can Help a Jewish Hero

Received the email below before Purim from David Morris, the Founder and Chairman of the Board of the Chessed organization Lema’an Achai in Ramat Beit Shemesh which provides social services and help for hundreds of needy Ramat Beit Shemesh families.

All information listed in the text of the email below has been verified as to accuracy and seriousness of Miro Cohen’s need.

Donors in Israel can make donations to;

Amutah “Bet Tzomet”
Yishuv Tekoa
d.n. Tzafon Yehuda 90908

Attn: Ayal Levi (Miro Cohen Yishuv Tekoa) read more


Parsha Korach 5767: Leadership; National Responsibility vs the Euphemisms of Self-Interest

by Moshe Burt

This Parsha HaShevua may seem to the reader a continuation of Parsha Shelach. This is done by intention because it seems very much as if Korach and his attempted power grab are a logical aftermath of the denial of Eetz Yisrael by 10 of the 12 miraglim (spies).

The Sefer “Torah Gems” by Aharon Yaakov Greenberg states the following thought; “Now took Korach…”; that Korach was blessed with many positive attributes: fine lineage, wisdom, qualities worthy of a leader of B’nai Yisrael. “‘Now took Korach — he took himself.’ He did not wait until he was offered the leadership, but he sought to take it by force. That is why he is not worthy of it.” (Torah Gems, by Aharon Yaakov Greenberg, Parsha Korach, Volume 3, page 79.) read more

Gush Etzion Municipality to Honor Former Disengagement Defense Minister Mofaz


Gush Etzion Mayor Shaul Goldstein has apparently buried or subordinated his principles (if he had any in the first place), in awarding and glorifying Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, former Defense Minister during the August, 2005 expulsions of Jews from Gush Katif and 4 Shomron towns. Goldstein argues that Mofaz is receiving an award because of his refurbishment of Efrat Junction and because Gush Etzion is asking him to “double the lanes leading to Jerusalem.” This seems a definite case of distateful political glorification; Mofaz’s calling in the “debt”: the payoff for merely doing his job. read more


Is This What It’s Like to “Mend the Rift Within Our People”??

Nationalist Camp Loyalists Arrested, Detained, and More, By Hillel Fendel (Israel National News)


Ehud Olmert spoke often of the need for post-Disengagement “internal reconciliation” with the pro-Land of Israel public. His gov’t is now busy arresting many of that public’s most active members.

A large ad published in Haaretz in early August 2005, just before the Disengagement from Gush Katif and northern Shomron, proclaimed that a campaign had begun to promote “mending the rift within our people” the day after the expulsion. read more


Parsha Korach 5766: Leadership; National Responsibility vs Rationale of Self-Interest …

Parsha Korach 5766: Leadership; National Responsibility vs Rationale of Self-Interest

by, Moshe Burt

The Sefer “Torah Gems” by Aharon Yaakov Greenberg states the following thought; “Now took Korach…”; that Korach was blessed with many positive attributes: fine lineage, wisdom, qualities worthy of a leader of B’nai Yisrael. “‘Now took Korach — he took himself.’ He did not wait until he was offered the leadership, but he sought to take it by force. That is why he is not worthy of it.” (Torah Gems, by Aharon Yaakov Greenberg, Parsha Korach, Volume 3, page 79.) read more
