Parshat Tetzaveh 5783: Moshe’s Omission From the Parsha — Past Reflections, Fresh Clarity

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShevua, Parshat Tetzaveh is dedicated Lilui Nishmas for the Sixth Yahrtzeit of My Father: Me’ir HaKohen ben Shabtai who was niftar on 9 Adar 5777.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua.

Please be in contact with me with any questions, or for further details.

Best Regards,

Moshe Burt
skype: mark.burt3
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Parshat Terumah 5783: Understanding the Why of the Keruvim atop the Aron HaKodesh in the Mishkan

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShevua, Parsha Terumah is being co-sponsored both anonymously dedicated for Hatslucha to children of the community and by Rabbi Tully and Hindy Bryks of Ramat Beit Shemesh dedicated lilui nishmas for Hindi’s Father, Moshe Zev ben Yosef, z”l. To our anonymous co-sponsor and to Mishpachat Bryks, many thanks for your sponsorship and for your continued kindnesses.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua. read more

Parshat Mishpatim 5783: Torah Text vs the Rabbis in Cases of Man Inflicting Personal Injury Upon His Fellow

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShevua, Parsha Mishpatim is being sponsored by Baruch and Yaffa Swinkin and family of Ramat Beit Shemesh dedicated lilui nishmas for Baruch’s grandfather Micha’el ben Yaakov and for their daughter Racheli’s marriage to Yehonatan YomTov. To the Swinkin family, many thanks for your sponsorship and for your continued kindnesses.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua. read more

Parshat Yithro 5783: Revelation at Har Sinai and the Oral Torah

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShevua, Parsha Yithro is being sponsored by Pesach and Ann Chapler and family of Ramat Beit Shemesh dedicated for a total, complete, refuah Shleima for Yosef Azriel ben Chaya Michal. To the Chapler family, many thanks for your sponsorship and for your continued kindnesses.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua. read more

Parshat Beshalach 5783: Liberating Yosef’s Remains From Mitzrayim and B’nei Yisrael Learning Independence

Dear Friends:

This week, our Parshat HaShevua, Parsha Beshalach is being sponsored by R’ Moshe and Marla Braun (Moshe Braun – Fine Judaic Art) and family of Ramat Beit Shemesh in honor of Marla’s birthday on 14th Sh’vat. Also Sponsoring is Julian Hurwitz of Ramat Beit Shemesh dedicated Lilui Nishmas for the Yahrtzeit of his Father Shlomo Leib ben Chaim Ephraim To the Braun family and to Julian Hurwitz, many thanks for your sponsorship and for your continued kindnesses.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua. read more

Parshat Bo 5783: Pharaoh’s Arrogance Causes Self-Defeating Ways and Ends

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShevua — Parshat Bo is being sponsored by Ayton and Ayelet Lefkowitz and family of Ramat Beit Shemesh dedicated Lilui Nishmas Ayton’s Grandmothers: Chana Michla bas Zeev Yitzchak and Miriam bas Avraham and his Grandfather Klonimus Yechezkel ben Yehuda. To Mishpochat Lefkowitz, many thanks for your sponsorship and for your continued kindnesses.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua. read more

Parshat Va’era 5783: Developing Understandings of the Names of Hashem

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShevua — Parshat Va’eira is being sponsored anonymously dedicated for a Refuah Shleima and for good health for Yaakov Hirsch ben Chana. To our anonymoous sponsor, many thanks for your sponsorship, and for your continued kindnesses.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua.

Please forward to your relatives and friends and encourage them to sponsor a Parshat HaShevua. And please be in contact with me with any questions, or for further details. read more

Parshat Shemos 5783: The Evolution of Jews’ Loss of Self-Respect, Self-Esteem and Today’s Self-Deprecation

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShevua — Parshat Shemos is being sponsored by Dr. Pinchas and P’nina Klahr of Ramat Beit Shemesh in honor of Yaakov Sholom and Miriam Klahr’s anniversary, for good health and happiness for them and the rest of the family on both sides! To Mishpochat Klahr, many thanks for your sponsorship, and for your continued kindnesses.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua. read more

Parshat Vayechi 5783: Yaakov’s Burial, Ephraim and Menashe — “His Sons Carried Him…?”

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShevua — Parshat Vayechi is being sponsored by Yitzchak and Leyla Gross of Wynnewood, PA to commemorate the Yarhtzeit of Yitzchak’s Mother: Chaya Yita Sarah Bat Aharon. To Mishpochat Gross, many thanks for your sponsorship, your kindnesses through the years in helping facilitate Sefer Torah recycling and for your continued kindnesses.

You can celebrate a Simcha — a birth, a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a Chassuna or other Simcha event in your life, or commemorate a Yahrtzeit of a loved one, or for whatever other reason by sponsoring a Parshat HaShevua. read more

Parshat Vayigash 5783: Yaakov/Yisrael — The Significance and Interchangeability of Each

Shalom Friends;

This week, our Parshat HaShevua, Parsha Vayigash is being co-sponsored by Jonathan and Sarah Wachtel of Ramat Beit Shemesh and by Rabbi Elozer Dovid and Estie Gluck of Sorotskin in Jerusalem and who dedicate this Parshat HaShavua for good health of all of Am Yisrael and B’Ezrat Hashem, the speedy eradication of the corona virus pandemic and all like viruses and variants. To the Wachtel and Gluck families; blessings and many thanks for your co-sponsorships and for your continued kindnesses. read more