Rabbi Pliskin in “Growth Through Torah” (Perek 1, posuk 2, page 235) renders this translation and cites Rabbi Shimshon Rafael Hirsch regarding the posuk immediately following the opening posuk and the dialogue between Hashem and Moshe Rabbeinu regarding the small alef in “Vayikra”:
“When a person of you brings an offering to The Almighty…”
Rabbi Shimshon Rafael Hirsch commented on this verse: It is most regrettable that we have no word… [for] the idea which lies behind the expression “Korbon”. The unfortunate use of the term “sacrifice” implies the idea of giving something up that is of value to oneself for the benefit of another…. The idea of an offering presupposes a desire on the part of the one to whom it is brought which [who] is “satisfied by the “offering,” which is like a gift. But the idea of a “Korbon” is never used as a gift. It is used exclusively with reference to man’s relation with the Almighty, and it’s meaning can only be understood… [as] to approach, to come near and so to come into close relationship with somebody. The object and purpose… is the attainment of a higher sphere of life. The one bringing the Korbon desires that something of himself should come into close relationship to the Almighty.