I made a startling discovery today when I called my currency changer to
find out what the Sha’ar HaTzig was today so as to guesstimate what I
thought I’d be getting on Thursday in my US$ check currency change
I was told that ALL Currency Changers in RBS, and throughout Israel
had ceased accepting US Dollar checks for currency exchange.
As I understand the explanations of local Currency Changers, new laws and rules have been enacted in the United States which translate into more stringent reporting requirements regarding individuals who present US $ checks for changing. I have also been given to understand that the go-between banks or clearing houses who negotiate (if that’s the right word?)
such checks for clearing the drawer’s US bank have closed accounts of Israeli Currency Changers because they (the clearing houses) can’t deal with the increased paperwork resulting from the more stringent reporting requirements and have thus closed accounts of Israeli Currency Changers.