Police, Regime Inaction Cost Lives, Injured in Bulldozer Attack


Barak of IRIS hit on an important point made in Caroline Glick’s piece; Anatomy of a Massacre.

It now seems that while Israel’s “finest” and the regime have portrayed the bulldozer terror attack as “unavoidable,” “that nothing could have prevented Dwayat from using his bulldozer to murder three people,” or that after the Mercaz HaRav attack, government and police spokesmen uttered similar comments; “There was no way to prevent the attack” and “No one is to blame”, there is plenty of real and culpable responsibility to go around. read more


Sunday, Monday War News: Gaza Sniper Targets Israeli Farm; Tractor Terrorist Ordered by Muslim Clerics; Jewish Vehicles Stoned, Bombs, Molotovs Hurled at IDF, 7 Terrorists Nabbed

Palestinian Sniper [in Gaza] Attacks Israeli Farm, No Injuries

“Muslim Clerics Told Tractor Killer to Act”

“‘Muslim clerics visited the terrorist’s home in the weeks before the attack ‘on a daily basis,’ spoke to him ‘for hours on end’ and convinced that him he needed to carry out ‘a heroic act to atone for all of his sins.'”

Israeli Vehicle Damaged in Stone-Throwing Southeast of Kalkilya; None Hurt

2 Bombs and Molotov Cocktail Hurled at Troops Near Nablus [Shechem]; None Wounded read more


Parsha Balak 5768: Killing the “Beast Used for Cohabitation”


by Moshe Burt

From the title above, one might get the impression that we are referring to Bila’am and donkey, with whom he undoubtedly shared countless trysts of cohabitation — Not!

Yehuda Nachshoni’s discussions of our Parsha Balak cites the Ohr HaChaim’s question of “why Pinchas killed the women [Kosbi] when, as a non-Jewess, she was absolved of Jewish law.” (Studies in the Weekly Parsha Bamidbar, pages 1112-1117).

But before listing the citing, it seems important to clarify that the discussion is in the context of Zimri’s distorted perception of acting “for the sake of Shemayim” in preempting Avodah Zora by bringing the cohabitation with Moabite women into the camp so that men would not go looking for it outside where the cohabitation would be enticement to idolatry. read more


Shabbos War News: Tunnel Collapse Under Gaza-Egyptian Border; 28 Arab Illegals Nabbed, Stones, Molotovs Hurled at IDF Near Shechem, Arab Riots Over Naalin Fence


Friday War News: Kassam Lands in Sha’ar Hanegev Region, Barak Closses Crossings; Molotovs, Rocks Thrown at IDF, Auto, Bus, 8 Illegal Arabs Nabbed in Ramat Gan


More on Bulldozer Terror Attack, Terrorist Record, Regime Actions


There are many questions arising out of Wednesday’s bulldozer terrorist attack. This blog asks some of them;

  • How is it that workers building in the public domain are not subject to security checks to ascertain criminal records or terrorist connections?
  • How can a convicted rapist be hired in a project which, when completed, will transport thousands of Jews per day through Jerusalem?
  • As a worker employed by the Jerusalem bridge and light rail project, what does this attack indicate regarding possible systemic Arab sabotage of the entire project?
  • How is it that Dr. Yitzak Noy of Israel Radio Reshet Bet reported minutes after the incident began that “Police there did NOT fire”, cntradicting all other print, internet and electronic media reports in Israel and overseas which have been reporting that the police and security people were firing at or in the direction of the cabin of the bulldozer?
  • Why the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court gag-order on the name of the soldier who killed the terrorist?
  • Did President Shimon Peres know that the soldier was a former anti-disengagement activist when he uttered the words; “I was proud of him because he put himself at risk for others that way.”?

These are but a few of myriads questions which beg straight-forward honest answers and which speak tons as to why the current mode and mindset of Israeli governance MUST GO! MB

Report on Victims

Jerusalem: 10 Victims of Bulldozer Terror Attack Still Hospitalized

Mother Saves Baby, Killed Seconds Later, by Abe Selig, Shelly Paz, Jenna Stark (Jerusalem Post)

On The Terrorist
read more


Wednesday War News: 3 Killed, Scores Wounded in Jerusalem Terror Attack


More Jewish Korbonot for Bogus “Peace (sic)”??


What will it take for Israelis, for Jews to recognize any terrorist act in any part of Israel is indivisible from the united, systemic Islamic enemy’s avowed mission — to eradicate us? What will it take to show that bogus “truces” and “agreements” are but a means to that end?

What will it take for for Israelis, for Jews to recognize that Israeli governance in it’s current corrupt, graft-ridden state of equivocation must be de-constructed and re-constructed as faith-based leadership of moral integrity? MB read more


Monday Night, Tuesday War News: Kassams Land in Negev, Sderot, IDF Closses Gaza Crossings; IDF Surrounding Tulkarem Building, 10 Terrorists Nabbed, Islamics Hurl Molotovs at Vehicle Near Shechem, at Police in Arab Town Near Jerusalem, Border Police Stoned


Israel’s Murdering Terrorist Prisoners for Body-Bags: Insane!


The are quite of people spinning the handling of murdering Arab Islamic terrorists back to the enemy in exchange for body-remains as restoration of national pride and national strength.

To return to the points made last week regarding the campaign for large numbers of people to change their social networking profile pictures to Shalit’s;

The Rabbanim draw a strong distinction and bounds between pidyon Sh’vu’im — rescuing or redeeming captives and redeeming captives in a way which brings the entire nation into dire peril. read more
