Shabbos, Sunday War News: Kassam “Truce(sic)” Violations Continue; Jerusalem Shooter Evades Police After Injuring 2, Israeli Arabs Sell Weapons to Terrorists, Terrorist Shechem TV Station Clsoed, Molotov Attacks, IDF Nabs 7 Terrorists

Kassam Rocket Hits Gaza Periphery [In Sha’ar Hanegev Region]

2 Policemen Wounded in Jerusalem Shooting, by Etgar Lefkovits (Jerusalem Post)


Two police officers were shot and seriously wounded late Friday night near the Lions Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem, police and rescue officials said…. The attacker was apparently not hit by the police fire. The suspected Palestinian assailant, who opened fire with a handgun on the security officials at close range under cover of darkness, fled the scene. read more


Parsha Pinchas 5768: Zealousness and National Leadership


by Moshe Burt

We learn from Midrashim on Parsha Pinchas that there was much dispute in The Camp as to Pinchas’ action in slaying Zimri and Kozbi. There were those who wanted Pinchas killed for killing another Jew; quoted by Rabbi Artscroll(Stone Chumash page 876, Sefer Bamidbar, Perek 25, posuk 11);

“This grandson of someone who fattened calves to be sacrificed to idols” had the gall to kill a prince in Israel! [Pinchas’ father was married to a daughter of Yitro, a former Midianite Priest, who was called Putiel…] read more


Friday War News: Shipments to Gaza Up Despite Kassam, Mortar Violations, Arms Cache in Sinai; ; 1 Arab Country: OK to Attack Iran; Terrorist Stonings, Molotovs, Firebombs, Shootings in Yesha, 8 PFLP Terrorists Nabbed, 7 Other Terrorists Caught, Rifle Found in Arab Car


Parsha Balak 5768: Expedient Toleration of Evil in the Camp


A 2nd Parsha HaShevua by Moshe Burt

In previous years when I have talked about Parsha Balak, about Bila’am’s scheme to lure Jewish men to immorality and avodah zora, as well as connecting Pinchas’ action, in killing Zimri and Kosbi in the act of co-habitation before the Assembly, with a posuk in Parsha Ki Tisa;

You shall annoint Aaron, his sons and their descendents as Kohanim…

But Pinchas was omitted by the posuk in Parsha Ki Tisa as he was born in Mitzrayim, before Yetziyot Mitzrayim, before Matan Torah, to Aaron’s son Elazar, heir to Aaron’s position of Kohen Godol. The Kohanic inheritance and lineage would only kick in after Matan Torah, thus by the annointment of Aaron and his sons, Pinchas Ben Elazar fell through the cracks. read more


Do Israeli Politicians Believe in the Justice of Israel’s Cause?


It seems patently obvious that without a Jewish faith-based governmental and leadership rooting, without recognition that our existence as a Jewish nation and our being in OUR Land is directly connected to the tenents of Jewish halacha and principle, both the governance and prestige of Israel are doomed to continued deep downward spiral. MB

Two Years of Hindsight (Jerusalem Post Editorial)


The second anniversary of the 34-day-long Second Lebanon War offers an apt occasion to reflect on its lessons for Israel, now that the dust has settled somewhat. It is almost universally agreed that although the Israeli home front displayed great resilience, the IDF, in failing to harness its overwhelming military superiority, squandered an opportunity to destroy the bulk of Hizbullah’s military presence in southern Lebanon, to crush that group’s state-within-a-state, and to enhance Israel’s deterrence. read more


Thursday War News: IDF Kills Gaza Terrorist, 2 Terrorists Dead in Gaza Tunnel Collapse; Terrorist Killed, 2 Wounded Near Jenin, IDF Holds Shechem Offices, 5 Terroists Nabbed

Troops Kill Palestinian [Terrorist] Near Gaza Fence

“IDF troops shot and killed a Palestinian who crossed the Gaza fence into Israel early Thursday morning. The soldiers, who suspected that the man was a terrorist, first fired warning shots in the air and only shot him when he attempted to flee.”

Related report; IDF Troops Kill Infiltrator from Gaza

Gaza Tunnel Collapses, 2 Terrorists Dead

IDF Kills Hamas Terrorist [Attempting Evasion of Arrest] Near Jenin, by Ze’ev Ben-Yechiel (Israel National News) read more


Wednesday War News: Despite Rockets, Mortars, Sufa Open for Cargo; Molotov Damages Israeli Auto, IDF Shuts Down Shechem Mall, 7 Terrorists Nabbed


Regime to Former Gush Katif Jews: Arab Worker Claims “Your Problem”



Imagine being evicted from your homes, losing your businesses, your livelihood by a regime bent on making your land Yudenrein and handing it over to the nation’s sworn enemies.

Now imagine that your business employed indigenous Gaza Arabs and when the regime expelled you and forced closure of your business, the employees; the Gaza Arabs — some 10,000 people who worked in agriculture and related industries were made jobless.

Now imagine that the majority of former Gush Katif residents still find themselves unemployed, but yet the unemployed Arabs are suing their former Jewish employers, rather than the government of Israel, for “wrongful dismissal.” read more


Israel’s Humiliation: Regime Tolerates Truce Violations for Shalit Talks


This is what happens when an Israeli government has a delusive, appeasing, supplicational, surrenderous mindset before it’s Islamic enemies who are sworn to her destruction. This is the result of governance which holds its governed hostage by tolerating Kassam and mortar barrages and by its freeing thousands of bloody-handed terrorists to kill more Jews, in exchange for Israeli captives; be they dead or alive. There are limits to Pidyon Sh’vuyim; national security, national defense and deterrence and Kiddush Hashem being but a few. MB read more


Tuesday War News: Gaza Crossings Remain Closed After Crossing Shelled, Work Accident Kills 2 Gaza Terrorists; Hamas Terror Unit Nabbed, Molotovs Hit Vehicles, IDF Shuts Islamic Charities in Shechem, 9 Terrorists Nabbed
