Parsha Masei 5768: Consequences of Not Possessing Eretz Yisrael

Eleven years ago — prior to Aliyah, on 3 July, 1997, after participating in the Sefer Torah Recycling Network’s 2nd Hachnasat Sefer Torah in 3 days (Yishuv Sh’vut Rahel taking place on 1 July) in Yishuv Maalei Chaver, this author was being driven back to Jerusalem. On the way, we passed by, in the distance, the controversial mountain upon which would later be built the new community of Har Homa.

The conversation in the car turned to The Land; the failure of Israel to take over The Land and to evict the Arabs from it. One of the other passengers gave a maashal, a story whose cited reference this author can’t recollect. In essence, the story seemed to indicate that the Arabs are occupying for us those parts of the land which we haven’t inhabited ourselves, lest those areas be inhabited by dangerous wild animals, snakes, poisonous plantlife, etc. read more


Ehud Barak: Despite Political Moves, Part of Problem, Not of Solution



For those lacking the perspective of history regarding Ehud Barak over the past 9 years, columnist Caroline Glick debunks the rationales behind Ehud Barak’s political machinations in the 2 years since the Lebanon conflict and his bogus “distancing” from Olmert and Livni. MB

Reading Ehud Barak, by Caroline B. Glick (Jewish Press)


On July 14, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak castigated UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which set the terms of the cease-fire that ended the 2006 war between Israel and Iran’s Lebanese army Hizbullah, saying, “UN resolution 1701 didn’t work, isn’t working and won’t work.” He added, “UN resolution 1701 is a failure.” read more


Friday War News: Mortar Attack Near Gaza Crossing, Gaza Truce “Illusion” — Terror Arms Buildup Continues; Kuntar — ‘I’ll Kill More Israelis’; Rock Attacks and Bombing in Yesha, 10 Terrorists Nabbed


Olmert Parody on Barak: “I Will Do Everything…” [To Hold Power?]


Defense Minister Ehud Barak keeps saying things like “I will do everything to bring him [Gilad Shalit] back” or “Israel would do everything in its power to see the safe return of captured Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit.” It is highly questionable what the limits of that “everything” are. For instance, does everything include liberation by military means?

Meanwhile, we have watched Barak’s coalition partner prime minister Ehud Olmert complete his 2 year charade concerning deceased IDF soldiers Regev and Goldwasser which, as Evelyn Gordon seems to indicate in her commentary below; read more


Thursday War News: Current Law Prevents Construction Site Security, and More


Wednesday War News: Israeli Cars Stoned Near Ramallah, Hevron, Border Police Stoned by Arab Mob While Cuffing 2 Arab Youths, 7 Terrorists Nabbed


BREAKING NEWS: Another Israeli-Arab City Employee Terrorizes Jerusalem in Bulldozer



We have no one to blame but ourselves, for “tolerating evil in the camp” while Israeli kablanim (builders) rake in windfall profits through employment of inordinately cheap Arab labor while Jewish unemployment rises.

Shifra Hoffman of Victims of Arab Terror noted, regarding the non-existence of a policy of not hiring Arabs; “We hold the government guilty of this attack for not implementing this policy.” MB

Sixteen Wounded in Copycat Bulldozer Attack in Jerusalem read more


Islamic Hudna: What Irresponsible Israel Governing Mal-feasance May Wrought


As the main concerns of Ehud Olmert and his corrupt, self-aggrandizing cronies, including an entire cabinet, at least 117 members of Knesset and certain local city governments, seem to be;

  • 1/ Maintaining their own power and power-bases at all cost
  • 2/ Self-enrichment through any and all means of bribery, graft, corruption and strong-arming
  • 3/ Blind, mindless, hard-hearted efforts to render Israel Yudenrein,

the Arabs in Gaza have exploited the truce in order to attempt facilitation, Heaven-forbid, of a blood-bath reaching as far as Kiryat Gat and Ashdod (Beit Shemesh too???). The attitude of Israel’s corrupt governance, in its utter refusal to fight the Islamic foe to a victorious conclusion, is the governed be damned. read more


Countdown to Olmert’s End as PM??



Are we finally seeing, with a majority of the Kadima council’s 180 members having voted to amend the party’s constitution allowing a primary, the final countdown to the end of Ehud Olmert’s prime ministership? Or are there yet other rabbits in the hat?

And the potential Kadima successors to leadership? It is obvious that none of the candidates for party leader (possible heir to prime ministership) possesses any more moral integrity than does Olmert. read more
