Monday War News: Jerusalem Arabs Nabbed for Conspiring With PA Police, 6 Terrorists Nabbed, Released Terrorists Laughable Disavow of Terror, Abbas: ‘No Peace Without Release of All Prisoners’ (Read Terrorists, Including Barghouti), UNIFIL and Hezbollah


Sunday War News: Arabs Toss Rocks, Molotovs at Jewish Vehicles in Ramallah, Rantis, Youth Injured, 2 Terrorists Nabbed, Police Force Raids Islamic Movement Offices

Palestinians Throw Molotov Cocktails at Israeli Vehicle [in Ramallah]; No Injuries Reported

Arabs Throw Fire Bomb at Car in Samaria [at Rantis]

Stone-Throwing Arabs Injured Youth in Samaria

IDF Arrests 2 Palestinian Terror Suspects in… Operations

Large Police Force Raids Offices of Islamic Movement [in Umm el-Fahm, Galilee]


The force reportedly confiscated computers, documents, money, a safe as well as books and leaflets allegedly containing incitement against the state.

The Shin Bet said that the material gathered in the raid indicated that “Al Aksa” was involved in transferring monetary and logistical aid for Hamas’s Jerusalem activities. read more


Parsha Re’eh 5768 — When Hard-Heartedness Replaces Chesed

By, Moshe Burt

According to Rashi, Moshe Rabbeinu begins our Parsha Re’eh by informing the B’nei Yisrael about the blessing and the curse to be pronounced to them upon their entry to Eretz Yisrael from Mount Gerizim and Mount Eval.

Moshe Rabbeinu continues his mussar saying, “Behold, I set before you … a blessing and a curse; the blessing if you heed the commandments of Hashem, and the curse, if you will not observe his commandments.(Sefer Devarim, Perek 11, posukim 26-27) read more


The Foreign Ministry and the Re-Branding of Israel; Again?

On Wednesday evening, I was among 200 bloggers in Israel who attended Nefesh b’Nefesh’s first annual Bloggers Conference held at NBN offices in Givat Shaul.

There was nothing much new to come out of the various panel discussions, Q & As beyond the opportunities for face-to-face, in-person networking amongst bloggers. But the deli and salads were great.

For me, the comments at the conference compelled a re-focusing on old-fashioned proven methods of SEO — swapping blogroll links and blog comments with other bloggers in Jewish blogosphere. read more


Speaking of Israel’s National “Brand”



Yep, that’s me, making the point that needs to be made to the Foreign Ministry, and indeed every ministry and functionary of Israeli governance again and again and again until it sinks irrevocably into their consciousness; “But we ARE a Jewish state.”

A hat tip goes to Batya Medad for taking this shot.

And I ought to give a plug to Batya’s husband Yisrael Medad who has had a distinguished career serving B’nai Yisrael and Yishuv Eretz Yisrael.

This post expands on two areas of the Brand managment presentation made by a representative of the Foreign Ministry at Nefesh b’Nefesh’s Blogger’s Conference. read more


Thursday War News: IDF Hunts Gaza Terrorist Infiltrators; Tanzim Operative Nabbed Near Shechem, 122 Illegals, 15 Terrorists Nabbed, Molotov Cocktail Hurled at T.A. Municipal Offices


Wednesday War News: Kassam Hits Sha’ar Hanegev, Barak Clossing Gaza Crossings for 1 Day; 7 Terrorists Nabbed, Jew Injured in Stoning North of Jerusalem, Stabber Nabbed in Hevron


The Why’s of Israel’s PR Failures


Martin Sherman’s comments on the abysmal failure of Israel’s hasbara allude to the fact that a relative handful of wealthy elitists who wield power through the consolidation of much of the nation’s financial resources, as well as through the intelligencia and the judicial system in order to “to shape events here, to mold opinions and to determine what processes should be set in motion and which should not.”

This “shaping of events by the elitists” has produced side affects which have further compounded Israel’s already apparent systemic hasbara failures. read more


Tuesday War News: Arab Infiltrator Nabbed Near Kissufim, Israel to Replace Gaza’s Worn Shekalim; 149 of Terrorists Set for Release doing Time for Attempted Murder, 8 Terrorists Nabbed, Syria’s Missile Tests While Livni Calls 1701 “Best Choice,” 1 Jew Injured in Hevron Stonings

Arab Infiltrator Arrested Near Kissufim

Israel to Replace Worn Out Shekel Notes in Gaza Strip

8 PA Arab [Terrorist] Fugitives Caught

Almagor: 149 of the Terrorists Slated for Release Serving Time for Attempting Murder, by Dr. Aaron Lerner (IMRA)

These are amongst the terrorists which the
cabinet approved by vote in 3 minutes flat. MB

‘IDF Detects Syrian Test-Launches of Ground to Ground Missiles’


Syria’s arsenal of missiles is based mainly on antiquated soviet ware upgraded and improved in Syria, the missiles – with a range of 300-700 km. – can still reach any target in Israel. read more
