Monday War News: Arabs Stone, Firebomb Jewish Cars near Hevron, Shechem, Between Kedumim and Ginot-Karnei Shomron, Arab Arms Dealer Nabbed, 7 Terrorists Nabbed


Sunday War News: Arabs Toss Stones, Firebombs and Defile Cave of Patriarchs in Hevron, IDF Nabs 13 Terrorists, Arabs Nabbed with Large Heroin Cache


Parsha Ki Teitsei 5768: Unity and the Consequences of Not Crying Out


By, Moshe Burt

Parsha Ki Teitsei teaches numerous Mitzvot such as; returning lost items to their rightful owners, loaning money to one’s fellow Jew free from interest, what one is permitted to or prohibited from taking from another Jew as loan security, Shatnes (wool and linen together), Tzitzit, and dealing fairly and truthfully with one’s fellow Jews in business. The Maftir Aliyah of our Parsha tells us collectively to remember, for all time, the actions of Amalek who attacked B’nai Yisrael when they were weak while blotting the rememberance of Amalek from the earth. We remember the Amelek without, as well as the Amalek within; lo nishcach v’lo Nislach — we won’t forgive and we won’t forget. read more


“Truce” of Weakness Emboldens Terrorists, Schalit Further From Freedom


The Olmert, Kadima, Barak, Livni, Yishai government of weakness, equivocation and partisan convenience has given up the store, the entirety of Israel’s diplomatic and military assets and set back Israel’s credibility to a historic low-point. Their lack of stregnth and principle has netted a minus in all areas, credibility, principle, hasbara and national branding. Gilad Schalit is further from liberation than ever.

Evelyn Gordon’s Must-Read analysis sums up this way; read more


Israel’s Governance Expresses Gaza Expulsion Regrets; Itches for a Repeat


My Beit Knesset’s learning program has recently featured a 1 hour daily Torah Ulpan for learning conversational Iv’rit in a contect of learning the Rambam’s Hichos Teshuva.

During one of the first classes, we discussed the concept of sincere, honest, heart-felt regret of wrong-doing and the will to change one’s ways. This discussion brought to mind the contrast between sincere, honest, heart-felt regret of wrong-doing and superficial “regret.”

The recent expressions of regret by a female former soldier for her role in the expulsion, as stated in an email, contrasts with expressions by Israel’s governing leaders, i.e. words of former Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer who basically admits that the expulsion was a mistake, but who still “hopes Israel will leave territories as soon as possible.” read more


Why Israel’s Self-Inflicted Defeats in PR/Hasbara?

One must wonder why the Dory Golds and Ashley Perrys are not among the movers and shakers of Israeli Hasbara, rather than the marginal literacy of Tzipy Livni and her foreign ministry of multi-religional, incompetent, incoherent and self-defeating attempts at branding and hasbara. What truly lies beneath the destructo nature of the foreign ministry of Israel’s institutional incoherence, incompetency and resultant loss of military deterrence? Ashley Perry’s piece explains succinctly what “occupation” is and what it’s not. MB read more


Shas: Are You Ready to Leave, Bring Elections Yet Over Jerusalem?



Once again, the Shas party, in a position to bring about near- instant elections, instead continues to choose bluster and crocodile tears rather than doing the right and moral thing — leaving the government NOW.

For context on the whole sordid Shas/Jerusalem experience, click here. MB

Shas: Olmert Has No Legal Right to Sign on Jerusalem

Full Text;

Shas party chairman and Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor Eli Yishai warned Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday not to sign off with the Palestinian Authority on a deal to divide Jerusalem. read more
