Thursday War News: 12 Terrorists Nabbed — 4 at Checkpoint, Arab Cars, Tractor Attempt Run-Down of Soldiers, Another Attempted Hawara Stabbing of Chayal, 3 Arabs Nabbed for Killing Border Guards, Arabs Pass Guards onto High-Security IAF Base

IDF Arrests Eight Suspected Terrorists

Arab Cars, Tractor Attempt to Run Down Soldiers [at IDF Roadblock at Sinjil, North of Ramallah]

4 Palestinians Arrested at Checkpoint, by Yaakov Katz (Jerusalem Post)

Again, Hawara: Arab Tries to Stab Soldier at Checkpoint, by Gil Ronen (Israel National News)

3 Arrested for Murders of Two Border Policemen [Near Shuafat, Druze village of Zarzir]

Arabs Saunter into High-Security IAF Base

“The Arabs managed to pass multiple security rings monitored by closed circuit cameras and wandered about the base, passing near advanced jets, bombs and advanced weaponry and in clear sight of officers and soldiers who did not take special notice of them.” read more


Wednesday War News: IDF Detonates Terror Devices Near Gaza, East Jerusalem Arab Terror Cell Nabbed, 16 Terrorists Nabbed as Terror Rises in Yesha

IDF Detonates Explosive Devices Planted [Near Kibbutz Nahal Oz] Near the Gaza Fence

‘East Jerusalem [Arab Terror] Cell Arrested on Suspicion of Killing 2 Policemen’, by Yaakov Katz (Jerusalem Post)

16 Terrorists Arrested, One Shot

Attacks on Rise in Judea, Samaria

“The number of attacks on Israeli motorists in the area has been on the rise for the past several months. There has also been an increase in the number of Israelis wounded in firebomb and rock attacks.” read more


Tuesday War News: 23 Chayalim Injured, 12 Still Hospitalized After Kikar Tzahal Terror Attack, IDF Nabs Terrorists, Terrorist Slain Attempting Attack on Yitzhar Was Previous Attacker, Soldier Acid Victim Loses Eye


BREAKING: 16 Wounded as Arab Plows Vehicle into Crowd in Jerusalem

UPDATE: Sixteen Wounded in Arab Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem, by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu (Israel National News)

IDF Soldier Reportedly Killed Jerusalem Terrorist

15 Wounded in Terror Attack at Busy Jerusalem Intersection

Full Text:

An Arab driver rammed his car into a group of pedestrians at a central Jerusalem thoroughfare late Monday night, wounding 15 people, before being shot dead, police and rescue officials said.

It was the third such attack in the city in recent months.

The 11:00 p.m. attack at the city’s Kikar Tzahal near Jaffa Gate ended quickly after the Arab assailant was shot and killed by passersby, Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said. read more


Kadima Party, Leaders: Conceived and Born in Sin


431 Vote Difference in Tainted Party Primary NOT National Mandate


For those not too young, timid or politically equivocal to remember the truth; the Kadima Party was conceived in evil and formed by the 2 1/2 year comatose former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as a Super-Party shelter and safe-haven for all of main facilitators of the August 2005 expulsions of Jews from their homes, assets, communities and Shuls in Gush Katif and the 4 Shomron towns.

And who were the chiefs among these facilitators of the August, 2005 expulsion besides Sharon who shared his vision of consolidation, convergence, realignment; synonyms for using the Gush Katif model for making Yehuda and the Shomron Yudenrein and handing biblical Jewish land and heritage to the enemy? read more


Monday War News: Two Mortars Fired From Northern Gaza, IDF Returns to Erez Crossing; Arab Woman Throws Acid at Chayal, Rocks, Firebombs and Attempt to Run Down Jew at Eli


Shabbos, Sunday War News: Attempted Infiltration From Egypt Nixed; Bomb Attempt in Gush Etzion, 2 Terrorists Nabbed, Arab Attack Attempted on Yitzhar, Rock Attack on Car South of Kalkilya


Parsha Nitzavim 5768: Hashem’s Covenant of Unity and Those Who Would Negate It


by Moshe Burt

Parsha Nitzavim begins; “Atem Nitzavim HaYom…Today you are standing before Hashem, your Lord… You are thus being brought into the covenant of Hashem, your Lord, and [accepting] the dread oath that He is making with you today. He has established you as his nation, so that He will be a G’d to you…” (Devarim, Perek 29, posukim 9-12)

L’l Mode U’Lamed comments on these first few p’sukim of Nitzavim noting;

That all members of Klal Yisrael, from the greatest of leaders to the simplest woodcutter, stood together as equals before Hashem…. Thus the poor woodcutter who is devout in his ways and who raises his children as true Jews is elevated to the same level as the wealthy supporter of Jewish causes. No man should consider himself too insignificant to be a partner in the covenant between the Jews and Hashem. (L’l Mode U’Lamed on the Weekly Parsha, Parsha Nitzavim, page 183) read more


Thursday War News: Car Bombs, Molotovs and Stoning Attacks Throughout Yesha, North of Jerusalem, IDF Nabs 12 Terrorists
