Young Soldiers Hoodwinked by Superiors to Guard During Federman Farm Pogrom


Israel National News is reporting;

… That yeshiva students in the Givati Brigade took part in the military operation to destroy the Federman-Tor farm and homes three nights ago? … Senior security commanders lied to them and told them they were participating in a mission to help catch a terrorist.

Basically, IDF senior command appears to have learned a distorted lesson from the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif — to lie and deceive those subordinate to them so as to mislead them into doing immoral actions under the guise that their mission is totally different from what it actually is. MB read more


Yassamnik Attack on Federman Home, Temple Institute Director Arrested


The two news stories noted in the title of this piece may seem disparate on the surface, but they are paradigm in the systemic attempt of the Regime; the entrenched leftist, post-Zionist, political protexia, institutions and media pundits to foist and impose a credo of the “New Jew” on the masses of Israelis.

What is this credo? Yishai Fleisher of Israel National News describes it in his piece, “Proud Jew, Proud Israeli.” Pay close attention to the last paragragh of these excerpts; read more


Tuesday, Wednesday War News: Contraban Fatigues Found with Supplies for Gaza; Arab Gunman Killed, 19 Terrorists Nabbed, Rock and Firebomb Attacks


Recent War News: Attempt to Kidnap Soldiers at Gaza Border, Pipe Bomb Near Carmiel; Rock and Stabbing Attacks, 10 Terrorists Nabbed, Terrorists Attack Soldiers, Police


Parsha No’ach 5769: No’ach and Avraham Avinu; Their Generations and Ours


by Moshe Burt

We read in our parsha that “These are the generations of No’ach: No’ach was a righteous man and perfect in his generations, and No’ach walked with G’d.” (Sefer Breish’t, Perek 6, posuk 9.) The Imrei Shefer comments on the Midrash regarding the words; “These are the generations of No’ach …” that the flood was directly attributable to No’ach’s behavior. According to the Midrash, “he [No’ach]… caused the flood by not protesting against the corrupt actions of the members of his generation.” (Torah Gems, Aharon Yaakov Greenberg, Sefer Breish’t, page 56) read more


Simchat Torah, Wednesday, Thursday War News: Kassam Attack on West Negev; Arab Stabs & Kills Elderly Civilian in Gilo, Wounds Cop, 14 Terrorists Nabbed, Rock and Molotov Attacks, Beduin Rock Throwers Ambushed by Police


Parsha Breish’t 5769: New Beginnings; Lessons for the Jews


By Moshe Burt

Somehow, not being rabbinic or a Talmud Chacham, it has always seemed difficult to put a true and deep meaning of Hashem’s creation to words.

In Hashem’s expression of creation; “Breish’t, Bora, Kelokim.” (“In the beginning, Hashem created the heavens and the earth”, Sefer Breish’t, Perek 1, posuk 1) Torah surely wasn’t referring to that big 7 run 7th inning by the Red Sox in game 5 of the ALCS vs the Tampa Bay Rays where they trailed 3 games to 1 and 7-0 in the game; you know the one, ‘In the big inning.’ read more


Simchat Torah 5769: The Torah’s Completion and Continuance


by Moshe Burt

After all of the Simchat Beit HaShoevot, after we daven for sufficient rain to raise our crops and to provide sufficient drinking water and after we daven for the 7O nations, Hashem asks his people, his most-favored nation to remain one more day, just we and HaKadosh Borchu — a private visitation — This is Simchat Torah.

Shem Mishmuel relates to this private visitation, the intimacy which Hashem shares with B’nai Yisrael as opposed to the nations by equating the nations and their collection of their b’racha with a purchaser and a vendor who connect momentarily to conduct a business transaction and then part. I’ll connect the b’rachot of the nations with the contestants on a game show — the losers of each game have their moment where the game show host and the viewers get to know both or multiple contestants a little bit during the interaction of the game. read more


Sunday War News: Stonings, Molotovs and Injuries; Terrorist, Sheep Rustlers Nabbed; Soldier Attacked, Wounded and Weapon Stolen in Infiltration at Tzrifin Base


Shas Talks on Joining Livni Government: Jerusalem Not Necessarily Red Line?



Is there anything at all new under the sun? We’ve known the FACTS regarding Shas’ Jerusalem priority, or lack thereof, for over six months. MB

Shas Negotiating Attorney Indicates Jerusalem Not Necessarily Red Line, Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 17 October 2008 (IMRA)

Full Text;

In a live interview broadcast during the noon news program today of Israel Radio, Attorney David Glass, who is negotiating with representatives of FM Livni on behalf of the Shas party, explained that should a deal be reached with Livni for Shas to join her ruling coalition and the agreement does not preclude negotiations over Jerusalem with the Palestinians that the decision to accept the deal would be left up to the Shas Council of Sages and Rabbi Yosef. read more
