by Moshe Burt
As has been this author’s norm of late, the Parsha HaShevua for the next Shabbos is prepared on the previous Motsei Shabbos. And so, when preparing the Parsha HaShevua for last week’s parshiyot Behar and Bechukotai, this author did not have the benefit of a vort written by Moshe Feiglin entitled “The Easy Way to Heaven on Earth”, easily the most concise and to-the-point vort I’ve seen on on the Blessings and Curses enunciated in parsha Bechukotai.
Feiglin’s words seem in accord with a vort Rav Malinowitz spoke last year on Shabbos Bechukotai regarding the Tochocha, the rebuke about the perils of complacency, i.e. such things as always bringing something new; a new perspective, a new understanding regarding how the commentators and commentaries view any given point of Torah. And thet seem, as well, in accord with a vort this past Shabbos by Rav Malinowitz where he speaks of always learning, always growing and reaching beyond the bare minimum of doing mitzvot. read more