Sunday, Monday War News: Gaza Terrorists Fire on IDF, Terrorist Killed in Smuggling Tunnel Collapse, Explosives Go Off Near Beit Hanoun; Jewish Bus Stoned Near Hevron, 11 Arab Youths Nabbed Vandalizing Jewish Graves, Terrorist Nabbed Near Hevron, Alleged Israeli Spies Flee Lebanon to Israel


Parsha Bamidbar 5769: Unity, and Diversity Within Unity


by Moshe Burt

As has been this author’s norm of late, the Parsha HaShevua for the next Shabbos is prepared on the previous Motsei Shabbos. And so, when preparing the Parsha HaShevua for last week’s parshiyot Behar and Bechukotai, this author did not have the benefit of a vort written by Moshe Feiglin entitled “The Easy Way to Heaven on Earth”, easily the most concise and to-the-point vort I’ve seen on on the Blessings and Curses enunciated in parsha Bechukotai.

Feiglin’s words seem in accord with a vort Rav Malinowitz spoke last year on Shabbos Bechukotai regarding the Tochocha, the rebuke about the perils of complacency, i.e. such things as always bringing something new; a new perspective, a new understanding regarding how the commentators and commentaries view any given point of Torah. And thet seem, as well, in accord with a vort this past Shabbos by Rav Malinowitz where he speaks of always learning, always growing and reaching beyond the bare minimum of doing mitzvot. read more


Palestinian Ambassador to Lebanon Zaki Makes Bibi’s Case With Obama


IMRA’s (Independent Media Review Analysis) Dr. Aaron Lerner cites this MEMRI report in which Palestinian Ambassador to Lebanon Abbas Zaki is cited; If Israel leaves Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria it will collapse. The full direct quote from Zaki states:

“With the two-state solution, in my opinion, Israel will collapse, because if they get out of Jerusalem, what will become of all the talk about the Promised Land and the Chosen People? What will become of all the sacrifices they made – just to be told to leave? They consider Jerusalem to have a spiritual status. The Jews consider Judea and Samaria to be their historic dream. If the Jews leave those places, the Zionist idea will begin to collapse. It will regress of its own accord. Then we will move forward.” read more


Did Pope Plan Chief Islamic Judge Tamimi’s Notre Dame Institute Outburst?


On Tuesday, this blog posted a piece about Ashkenaz Chief Rabbi Metzger’s announcement which indicated that the ‘Pope Agreed Vatican to Stop Missionizing Jews.’

And this blog posed the question;

If the Pope walked out of the festivities at Notre Dame Pontifical Institute in Jerusalem after Chief Islamic Judge of the Palestinian Authority, Sheikh Tayseer Rajab Tamimi’s unscheduled, unsolicited verbal attack upon Israel, just why did Army Radio report that the Pope shook Tamimi’s hand on the way out? read more


Wednesday, Thursday War News: Gaza Kassam and Mortar Hit Eshkol Region as Israel Opens 3 Gaza Crossings, Gaza Smugglers Nabbed by Egypt; Bus, Auto Stoned, Terrorist Nabbed Near Ramallah


Chief Rabbi Metzger: ‘Pope Agreed Vatican to Stop Missionizing Jews’



This blog will not comment beyond this link to Pope Benedict XVI’s alleged past membership in Hitler Youth despite denials of same by a Vatican spokesman and assertions of reluctance to join by another spokesman.

But Israel’s Ashkenaz Chief Rabbi Metzger’s making a spectacle of himself with his headline announcement that the ‘Pope agreed that the Vatican would stop missionizing Jews’ is as phony an agreement as the document signed by freed, swapped terrorists that they would never again involve themselves in terrorism. And we know how quickly those signed documents of freed terrorists are discarded and how quickly many or most freed Islamic terrorists return to their terrorist deeds blowing up, injuring, maiming and killing more Jews. read more


“Disengagement” Authority Still Covering Up Abuse of Evicted Former Gush Katif Residents


The State Commission of Inquiry formed to probe the treatment of “evacuees” has begun hearing testimony. This blog has referred and will continue to refer to the former Gush Katif residents by the more accurate terms, the expelled, the evicted, the former Gush Katif residents, rather than the regime politically correct term of “evacuees from the disengagement” because what happened in Gush Katif in August, 2005 was NOT a disengagement and the former residents were NOT “evacuated”, i.e. “evacuated from danger.” The people of Gush Katif had made homes, communities, had built businesses, society, communal and religious life there and had made a disaster area BLOOM. read more


Monday War News: More Terrorist Rockets, Mortars Slam Southern Israel, IDF Nabs Two Sinai Infiltrators; Police Shut Down PA Media Center, 6 Terrorists Nabbed, Stonings Spread to Inside Jerusalem, IDF Removes 2 Roadblocks Near Ramallah, 3 Jewish Autos Stoned Near Kedumim
