Some Good News for One Group of Gush Katif Refugees, But Note Who Got Compensated First …

Atzmona Evacuees Receive Keys to Kibbutz Shomriya


A ceremony was held on Sunday evening at Kibbutz Shomriya in the Negev as the community’s veterans handed over their settlement to the Atzmona evacuees.

A total of 56 settler families that have been living in mobile homes near Netivot received the keys to their new homes, and are expected to move to the kibbutz in the coming days.

The kibbutz will become a religious settlement and will no longer be a part of the Kibbutz Artzi once the ex-Atzmona residents move in.

The pre-military academy from Atzmona will move to the kibbutz as well.

Kibbutz Shomriya was established 22 years ago, near the green line. The Sela Administration orchestrated the transfer when it became clear that the community was falling apart as secular members moved to other settlements in the area.

A Tale of Two ‘Expulsions’

Full Text;

Thirteen remaining families in a failed agricultural kibbutz expressed anger Sunday at having to leave their homes in Kibbutz Shomria, accept $300,000 in compensation and allow expulsion victims from Atzmona, in Gush Katif, to revive the area. Atzmona was a successful community, one of the first in Gush Katif, which pioneered new methods of irrigation and horticulture. Shomria is located between Be’er Sheva and Kiryat Gat.

The carefully planned departure of the kibbutz members, whose kibbutz failed after 20 years, was complete with orderly compensations in contrast to the forced and hurried expulsion of the successful Gush Katif communities last summer. Most of the expulsion victims still have not received full compensation, and many are paying mortgages for houses the government destroyed.

Ilan Cohen, who manages the office of the Prime Minister, complimented Disengagement Authority Yonatan Bassi for having “done a great thing.”


For those still looking for proof that the Sharon/Olmert Government’s treatment of the Gush Katif Refugees has been wholely punitive, consider these reports.

Punitive because of their [the Gush Katif Refugees] cleaving to the ways of Torah, including cleaving to their precious land, Gush Katif which is part of the Land of Israel — that they didn’t just peacefully surrender their land as the Israeli government has in a Boosha, in a Chillul Hashem of the highest magnitude.

The eviction of the Jews from their homes in Gush Katif, the legalized theft of all of their possessions at legalized gunpoint was punitive from its origins through Knesset measures, through to it’s execution and beyond including withholding of compensation from the refugee families, harrassment by the Hotels, efforts to break up the Gush Katif neighborhoods, etc.

The word “disengagement” is bogus in every sense of the word. Israel did not, as has no plans ever of truly “disengaging” from the Arabs. For if they did, they would then cut off all water, electrical, telephone services. They would not permit Arabs into Israel and would not pay 250,000,000 NIS “tribute” to them regularly.

And these evil, despicable evictions continue, in Shalhevet neighborhood in Chevron, Amona and with Olmert’s newest plans.

The term expulsion is most appropriate, just as with the inquisitions, expulsions and pogroms of the past 2,000 years of Galus. But for Israelis to perpetrate it upon Jews is a more heinous crime than almost anything that the goyim have done to us. MB


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