Didn’t Ehud Barak Join Kadima?

Labor Polling Stations Open Nationwide


“The Labor Party began its primaries at 9 a.m. on Tuesday. There were 115,948 voters registered to cast their votes at any of the 350 ballots.”

“There was fierce rivalry reported between the 91 candidates, particularly between Party Chairman Amir Peretz’s camp and those associated with former prime minister Ehud Barak.”

“Army Radio said that Peretz was backing new Labor recruits Avishai Braverman and Shelly Yehimovitch, as well as MK Yuli Tamir. Barak, on the other hand, endorsed Alon Pinkas and Orna Angel.”

“The fight between the camps reportedly involved ‘hit-lists’ and covert deals. Labor Party sources revealed that the Peretz camp has been cooperating with former party chairman Binyamin Ben-Eliezer to block the former prime minister.”

“The Labor secretary general conceded that such deals may have taken place, but insisted that they wouldn’t affect the results of the vote.”


It seems that Likud is not the only Party plagued by Kadima moles and Trojan Horses. What we see appears to be a systematic attempt by Kadima to degrade its opposition from within the opposing Likud and Labor parties. MB
