Friday War News: Rocket Mortar Barrages From Gaza, IDF Hits Gaza Terrorists; Vechicles Pelted With Rocks Near Shechem, Bethlehem, 4 Terrorists with Weapons Nabbed, 60 YO Jerusalem Woman Stabbed by Arab Youth

Rocket Barrage [10 Kassams] Hits Negev

Kassam Rockets and Mortar Shells Pound Western Negev

Four Missile Hits Around Sderot, None Hurt

Firefighters in Kassam-Hit Locations

2 Mortar Shells Land in Hof Ashkelon Regional Council; No Injuries

3 Mortar Shells Land Near Kibbutz in Negev

Air Force Strikes Northern Gaza Terrorists

IDF Soldier Wounded From Palestinian Fire at Border Fence

Three Mortars Explode Near Nahal Oz, None Hurt

[Thursday’s] Deadly Mortar Attack Tactically Planned

Arabs Pelt Bus South of Shechem

Israeli Vehicle Damaged in Stone-Throwing South of Bethlehem

Army Soldiers Arrest Four Terrorists, Seize Weapons [in Hevron Area]

Jerusalem Woman [60 Years Old] Stabbed, Robbed by Arab Youth [in the Armon Hanetziv neighborhood]
