Election Commentary from Women In Green …

This email was received this AM from Women In Green:

Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 14:28:32 +0200
From: Women in Green

The Upcoming Elections

The threat of the combined Sharon-Peres Kadima Party winning the next election, must bring about a decided change in the outlook of the individual existing so-called nationalistic parties. As was proven in the last election in 2003, the vast majority of this nation has a nationalistic orientation! We must find a way in which this nationalistic viewpoint of the Israeli electorate is able to be expressed at the ballot box.

The threat of the success of the Kadima Party is quite real. The Kadima Party has the “left” oriented media, to wit: the press, radio and television at its beck and call. The media will certainly be active to unfairly distort the news to favor Sharon’s Party in the election. The only solution seems to be that the nationalistic parties unite and present a common slate. It will only redound to the benefit of Israel, which should be the ultimate goal of everyone concerned, whether they be religious or non-religious.

The present danger is directed not only against the religious. The Jewish State is threatened with its very existence. The Sharon-Peres threat goes to the very core of Israel’s existence as a Jewish State. The Council of Sages must take this into account and revise its thinking accordingly. We need the Haredi population to be counted as well among those whose orientation is nationalistic.

The details of how this is to be worked out are not the first priority. What is essential is that it be started at once to work at uniting and to recognize the danger. A common slate of nationalistic oriented individuals is both mandatory and crucial. The various parties involved must rethink their desired objectives, and do everything necessary to facilitate their winning the upcoming election. They cannot do it without taking this action to unify this nation. We are in eminent danger, and must at all costs, prevent the election of the Sharon-Peres slate.

A Jewish State, for all the Jewish People must be the objective. This ancient People can not allow the destruction of what they yearned for over 2000 years.

Jerusalem, December 2, 2005 Ruth and Nadia Matar
