Ehud Olmert: YOUR “Peace Partner” Once Again Exposed as FRAUD



Fatah, until recently the largest faction of the PA and from whence Yassir Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas came, has unveiled their newest anniversary poster.

To quote Jerusalem Post columnist Khaled Abu Toameh;

A Fatah 43rd anniversary poster depicts a map of Israel that is entirely draped with a Palestinian keffiyeh next to a rifle signifying armed struggle.

The underlying message of the poster is that Fatah, like Hamas, does not recognize Israel’s existence.

The emblem is in violation of Fatah’s declared policy, which envisions an independent Palestinian state alongside, and not instead of, Israel.

By including a rifle in the poster, Fatah is sending a message to the Palestinian public that it has not abandoned the option of “armed resistance,” despite current peace talks with Israel.

All the while Olmert the etrog, the darling of left-wing Israeli msm such as Haaretz columnist Yoel Marcus, plots a possible impending withdrawal announcement to give away Jewish land. MB

Thanks to Dr. Aaron Lerner and IMRA for the piece on columnist Yoel Marcus’ flip-flop vote of support for his etrog.

To read the entire Toameh column, click In Fatah Map All of Israel is Palestine, by Khaled Abu Toameh (Jerusalem Post)

Related report; Yet Again, Fatah Keeps ‘Palestine’ Maps


Fatah is generally seen as more moderate than rival terrorist groups, as its platform calls for an Arab Muslim state in Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and Jerusalem, but not within Israel’s 1948-1967 borders. However, throughout decades of negotiations the group has failed to change its maps or military symbols, and Fatah leaders refuse to recognize Israel as Jewish within any borders.
