
Despite PMO denials, that aides to President Peres confirm the Haaretz report makes it a good bet that the plan which Olmert denies is on the table. In addition, the credibility of PMO denials is null. For example, remember this classic denial which turned into “convergence, consolidation, realignment” which Olmert still pursues, but under cover of a negotiated Israeli-Palestinian (sic) agreement for a “Palestinian (sic) State. MB
Peres and Olmert Formulate Secret Withdrawal Plan (Israel National News)
Full Text;
Political analyst Akiva Eldar told Army Radio that a secret deal exists, drawn up by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and President Shimon Peres, to relinquish most of Judea and Samaria, as well as chunks of pre-1967 Israel to Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah terror group.
The deal would entail the retention of some Jewish blocs of settlement in Judea and Samaria, to be exchanged for tracts of land within Israel’s Green Line.
Reportedly, the option of exchanging Israeli-Arab villages as those pre-’67 lands is being explored, in order to retain Avigdor Lieberman’s support for such an initiative.
Aides to President Shimon Peres confirmed Tuesday a Haaretz report that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is examining a new framework for peace, in which Israel will propose transferring to the Palestinian state areas equivalent to 100 percent of the territories conquered in 1967.
According to the aides, the proposal was formulated while Peres was vice premier, and presented to Olmert a few days after he entered the President’s Residence.
The PMO, however, denied the existance of the proposal Tuesday. “We do not know of any plan as described in the [Haaretz] article,” the prime minister’s office said in a statement. “We would like to clarify that such a plan has not been considered, nor is it being raised for discussion in any forum.”
Response To The Main Headline In Ha’aretz: [Denial by Prime Minister’s Office] Olmert Considers Land Swap as Part of Future Peace Deal, Jerusalem, Tuesday, 7 August 2007 (IMRA)
In response to the main headline in this morning’s Ha’aretz, we do not know of any plan as described in the article. We would like to clarify that such a plan has not been considered, nor is it being raised for discussion in any forum. We express our amazement at this erroneous article, which was published without any attempt being made to ascertain from us its accuracy.
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