Gush Katif Residents Would be Buffers, But…


Expelled former residents of Gush Katif seek to return and to settle in their previous homes in order to act a buffer to protect their brethren in S’derot and in the Negev. Unquestionably, such an action would go a long way toward reversing the wrong and restoring the wholeness of many of the former residents.

But this has about as much chance of actually happening as meeting the “man in the moon.” For such a return to take place would take regime endorsement and approval. Such endorsement and approval by Israel’s politicians and leaders could NEVER happen because it would constitute their frank admission of the gross moral backruptcy of the hitnatkut, the expulsion and any further “consolidation.” It would then open the way for commissions to investigate how it is possible for Jews to put their brethren out of their homes and to legally steal from them.

Don’t expect this evil regime to write it’s own death warrant anytime soon! MB

Gush Katif Residents: We Will Act as a Buffer

Full Text;

Northern Gush Katif residents announced Monday morning that they were willing to return and settle in their former homes from which they were evacuated in the Disengagement in order to act as security buffers for Israeli towns in the western Negev.

The Disengagement was a mistake and it must be fixed, Army Radio quoted former Elei Sinai resident, Avi Farhan, as saying.

“The fact is that [Palestinians] are firing [rockets] at Sderot, Ashkelon and the western Negev from my home in Elei Sinai. The solution is to return us to our homes. This will solve two problems: Both a security problem and our rehabilitation problem. Even today, when we are two years after [the evacuation], we are yet to be settled in permanent housing. We still live in rental homes,” said Farhan.
