Gush Katif Events Tuesday, Wednesday Evenings
The Tuesday protest, to be held at 6 PM outside the Prime Minister’s Residence near the Sheraton Plaza and Kings Hotel.
On Wednesday at 6PM, at the Binyanei HaUmah Convention Center (Near the Central Bus Station) Various Orange Groups will hold an event:
“We will not forget and we will not forgive.”
I have stayed away, until now, from scholarly detached, “even-handed” pieces which accept that the Expulsion was an unstoppable “fait accompli” from the moment that the words were uttered by Sharon (and his trial-balloon man Olmert). But here is a piece from someone seemingly detached from faith-based philosphy.
The Author makes a point of expressing what we know, that the media’s task was to make sure that a dumbed-down, brainwashed, amnesic constituency remained so in order that an artificial approval rating remained high. MB