Kassam Blitz, Gaza Invasion Continue and Other Thursday Night, Friday War News …

No Injuries in Firebomb Attack

Wanted Terrorist Shot Dead in Askar

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“Wanted terrorist Samar Kendil was shot dead by paratroopers operating in Palestinian Authority (PA) controlled Shechem on Friday morning.

Kendil was tied to a number of terror attacks, and according to military officials, was planning additional attacks in the center of the country.

No soldiers were injured in the operation.”

Kassam Landed in Kibbutz Sa’ad

Kassam From Northern Gaza Lands in Western Negev

Palestinian Killed by IDF Fire Near Nablus

Anti-tank Missile Fired at IDF Forces

Hamas: Negotiations Over Shalit Release Halted

Kassam Lands in Kibbutz Near Sderot

Mofaz Increases Security on Public Transportation

Security Forces on Heightened Alert

IDF: Not All Kassam launch Areas Held by Troops

Kassam Damages Gas Station at Kibbutz Gevim

6 Arrested in Counter-Terror Operations

Report: IAF Air strike in Gaza Kills One [Terror Operative]a>

Access to Temple Mount for Muslims Restricted

Report: IDF kills 2 Palestinians in Beit Lahiya

Stones Hurled at Car Near Hebron, Child Wounded

3 Kassam Rockets Land in Sderot Area; None Wounded

IDF Operation in Kalandiya

IDF Eliminates Senior Fatah Terrorist in Jenin Shootout

IDF Nabs Fatah Fugitive Near Ramallah

IDF Forces Attack Kassam Launching Field

Rocks Hurled at Motorcyclist in Hebron Area, Moderate Injuries

Rock-Throwing Attack Injures One on Trans-Israel Highway

Another Rocket, Again Sderot

10 PA Terrorists, 1 Civilian Killed in IDF Air Strike in Beit Lahiyeh

IDF Tank Soldiers Eliminate Anti-Tank Rocket

Sderot Endures Another Rocket Attack, No Injuries

Thwarting of Suicide Bombing Attempt in Israel’s Home Front: IDF July 6, 2006 Spokesperson Announcement

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IDF, ISA and Police forces thwarted yesterday afternoon, July 5 2006, an attempt to carry out a suicide bombing in Israel’s home front.

Following specific intelligence information received in the early morning hours from the ISA, concerning a terror cell en route to carry out a suicide bombing, temporary roadblocks were set up along the Trans-Samaria road. Three suspicious Palestinian taxis were stopped in the Barkan industrial area in the West Bank, and a number of passengers were detained, among them the suicide bomber.

The man, Ahmed Mahmoud Salim Zayoub, 20, resident of Silat A-Haritiya, was found to be carrying an explosives-filled bag. Zayoub’s initial questioning indicated that he intended to carry out a suicide bombing in the Israeli home front, and that he was sent by the Tanzim terror infrastructure in Jenin, headed by Zecharia Zubeidi.

The IDF will continue to act against all terror organizations who attempt to carry out terror attacks against the citizens of Israel.
