Knesset “Plumbers” in Action???

Computer Stolen from MK Levy’s Kfar Maimon Home

Full Text;

A computer belonging to MK Rabbi Yitzchak Levy was stolen from his Kfar Maimon home during the night. Netivot area police report that was the only item stolen from his home.

Associates of MK Levy stated the computer does not contain any classified information.


This author recalls vividly back to a time in the “Old Country” when the White House “Plumbers” broke into Daniel Ellsberg’s office and then, later broke into the the Democratic National Committee Offices at the now famous Watergate complex.

Sorry to sound conspiracist but, doen’t it seem unduly strange that thieves would break into Rabbi Yitzchak Levy’s home and make off only with his computer? The report, however, doesn’t indicate whether the thieves were surprised and escaped or whether the home was trashed or desheveled. But isn’t it strange that they seemingly went for the computer first and left the other valuables? MB
